Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sacrifice For Art's Sake!

     Roger is a handsome 18 year-old man. He is an aspiring actor, taking classes at his university in Guatemala. He had been hoping for a break that would bring him to the attention of Hollywood producers. One day, he arrived home and opened his computer to check his emails. He read and replied to a few, and then saw one with the simple subject line of  “Casting Call”. He didn’t recognize the name of the sender, but opened it anyway. He read the following.

      “Greetings, Roger! We are producing a new documentary on human sacrifice and the Maya. We contacted your university, and they provided us with names of students who might be candidates for our production. Specifically, we need a young man to portray the sacrificial victim. The successful candidate should be a gay male, 18-25, 5’6” to 5’10”, weighing between 110 and 140 lbs, with dark hair, eyes and skin. Those interested please report to our mobile studios at the base of El Gran Jaguar pyramid in Tikal! We look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening at 8pm. Please come alone, no agents allowed, and tell no one, this is a very secret project. We don’t want details leaking to the press. Print out a copy of this email to bring with you, and then delete it”.

     The email was signed simply “Mayan Studios”. Roger had never heard of them, but he knew he had to go there and try out for the role. He was 18, 5’7” and weighed 120 lbs with black hair and brown eyes. His skin was the typical light brown of the Guatemalan people. He was puzzled by the time for the tryout, though. Usually, tryouts were done during daylight, and he had been to the pyramid before, and knew that the site closed to the public at 6pm. But here was a chance to star in a documentary, and maybe get the break he’d been seeking.

     The following evening, Roger arrived at the pyramid, and saw a pair of tents set up on the far side of the pyramid, with a sign reading “Mayan Studios”. He was puzzled to see no other young men there for the tryout but he went into the first tent, and showed the man behind the counter the email. He was immediately directed to the second tent, where the director of the film, Mr. Martinez, greeted him warmly. “Hello, Roger. Do sit down!”

     “Thank you, sir!”

     “My, you look like just the man I need for this role. We will have to take some measurements, of course, to make sure that your height and weight are what you reported to my secretary. Please stand on the scale, Roger! Ah, excellent, 120 pounds exactly! Now please stand up straight while I verify your height. Very good, almost exactly 5’7”, yes, I believe you will do nicely! There is one more thing. I need to see your naked body, both to make sure that it films well, as well as to check the size of your package.”

     “Gee, I don’t know about that, Mr. Martinez. I’ve never stripped naked in front of strangers before, only in front of my lover. Must I?”

     “Well, I can’t force you, but unless I see you naked, I can’t offer you the role. It’s your choice, but this could be your big break! I know! Pretend you’re stripping for your lover, that may help”.

     Roger thought for a minute. If he got the part, it might be his ticket to Hollywood, and mean a bright future for not just Roger, but his family and his lover as well. In the end, he hung his shoulders and agreed. 

Mr. Martinez was very impressed. “Oh, yes, that’s just the skin tone we are looking for. And while your package is on the average size for modern Guatemalans, you’re actually quite large for an ancient Maya, and the records indicate that the gods especially favored warriors with large packages. Yes, you’ll do nicely. Will you accept the role?”

     “Certainly, Mr. Martinez! Where do I sign?”

     “Antonio, will you give Roger the contract. The terms are standard. Shooting will take about two weeks, and you’ll be paid the union rate. Sign by the x, please. Ah, very good! Antonio, please tell the others that the role has been cast.”

      “Now, you realize that you’ll have to live on site during the shoot.”

      “I hadn’t thought of that, sir. I didn’t bring any clothes. I’ll need to go home and pack. How long should I tell my parents I’ll be gone for?”

      “Roger, don’t you remember that this is a secret project? I’m sorry, but you aren’t allowed to leave the site until the shoot is over.”

      “But I have no clothes, sir!”

      “You’re playing a human sacrifice, Roger. You won’t need any clothes! Leave you clothes here and these men will take you to your quarters.”

      Roger saw two large men wearing nothing but native headdresses and carrying stone knives. Knowing better than to resist, he glumly allowed himself to be led out of the tent. To his surprise, he was led inside the pyramid and down a shaft that led underground. Suddenly, he saw a room to his right with bars across the opening. The door was unlocked, and he was shoved inside and the door relocked behind him.

     “Hey, what’s going on? I’m supposed to star in this documentary. Why are you locking me in?”

     Ramon spoke up and said, “Why, this is your dressing room, Roger. Don’t you like it?”

     “What kind of dressing room is a prison cell? Now, take me to my real dressing room!”

     “Hey, Ramon. The boss was right. This guy is really stupid! Imagine believing that story about doing a documentary! He’s gonna be fun dragging up the pyramid so that Sky Turtle can cut his beating heart out of his body! What a sucker!”

     “Yeah, Roberto. And we get to guard him until the big day in two weeks.”

     “What are you talking about? I’m going to be a big star! This is just a movie. I signed a contract!”

      “Dumb shit still doesn’t get it! There is no documentary, never was. We’re going to bring back the Mayan Empire. We need a human sacrifice to offer to Yum Kaax, the corn god. That will ensure that this forest returns to fertile lands that will support our empire! Now, Mr. Movie Star, you better get some sleep. You’re going to need your strength! HAHAHAHA!”

     “Who is this Sky Turtle you mention?”

     “He’s our High Priest!”

     “When will I meet him?”

     “You already have, he’s Mr. Martinez! If you need anything, just yell. We’ll be just down the hallway.”

     While Roger got used to his being imprisoned, Roberto and Ramon spoke with Sky Turtle just out of earshot.

     “That was a great plan you had to lure Roger here. I still can’t believe he went along with it, and deleted the email. There’s nothing to track him here. I had one of the others take his car to his cousin’s junkyard. By now, it’s just a cube of unidentifiable metal.”

     “Great work, Roberto! Oh, Ramon, take his clothes and put them in the incinerator. We don’t want anything tying Roger to us.”

     “Sure thing! Just think, in a few weeks, all this dense forest will be gone, replaced by fertile lands that we can farm. Then the gods will rise up, and help us drive the foreigners from our lands and the great Mayan Empire shall rise like a phoenix from the ashes!”

     “That’s true, Ramon! Of course, we’ll need to perform other sacrifices to our other gods as well. It’s a good thing that we met with Professor Garcia at the university. It turns out he’s descended from the last Mayan Emperor, so he’s only too happy to give us the names of gay students who aren’t doing well in their studies. Soon, he will be the next Mayan Emperor! That’s how we got Roger’s email.”

     Meanwhile, back in his cell Roger shook his head in disbelief. How could he have been so gullible? One thing he knew for sure, no one was cutting his heart out of his body without a fight! He hung his head and surveyed his prison cell. The floor was stone, and there was a stone shelf for a bed, with a straw mattress on it, and some flimsy sheets. There was a hole in the floor for him to use as a toilet. He couldn’t even try to overpower the guards, both of whom were far bigger than him anyway. He thought maybe he could flee when they brought him his food, but there was a slot at the bottom of the door where the food tray was slid in to him. Suddenly, it hit him! He could rip up the sheets in the night, and fashion a noose out of them. There was a horizontal bar near the top of the door. He could hang from it, and then they wouldn’t get to torture and kill him! He waited a few hours, until he was pretty sure that everyone was asleep, then tore the sheet into shreds, tied it to the horizontal bar and put the noose around his neck. He could feel the noose tighten around his neck. He was getting weaker, and was fighting to breathe as his body kicked and jerked on the rope. Suddenly, he heard running footsteps in the hall. It was Roberto and Ramon, running to his cell. They quickly opened the door. Ramon grabbed Roger by the legs taking the pressure off of his neck, while Roberto took his stone knife and cut the sheet. Once it was off his neck, Roger gasped in huge lungfuls of life-giving air. He was laid face up on the stone bed, and Ramon waited with him while Roberto went to get medical assistance. Roberto returned with Sky Turtle and a doctor. The doctor gave Roger a thorough examination.

     “We’re lucky. They got him just in time. Two more minutes, and he’d be dead. Who was the idiot that put sheets in here? The Maya didn’t give their prisoners sheets! Take them out! He can sleep on the cold, bare stone!  He only gets stale bread and water; that will keep him alive. And we’ll have to wait a week before we start seeding and milking him. We need him alive for the ceremony!”

     Ramon speaks up. “I’m sorry, I thought that stone shelf looked so cold!”

     Sky Turtle glared back and said, “Listen, both of you. He has to be the sacrifice! If he isn’t one of you will substitute for him! Do I make myself clear?”

     Both looked glumly down, and replied, “Yes, sir! We’ll keep him alive for you, Sir.” For the next week, Roberto and Ramon alternated shifts watching Roger. Each took a twelve-hour shift, and then the other would take their turn. The only exception was at feeding time. Then one would enter the cell to hand feed their captive, while the other would remain at the cell door, to prevent any thought of escape. At first, Roger resisted, but found that when he did, they’d bind him to the stone and force-feed him. Eventually, he decided to cooperate, and began asking questions of his captors. He still couldn’t believe that he’d be dead in less than two weeks, sacrificed to some dead god.

     “Ramon, why are they doing this to me? I’m only 18. I want to live, not die!”

     “You will live, Roger. You’ll be honored as one of the saviors of the Mayan Empire. You are to be the first sacrifice that will help re-establish the Mayan Empire.”

      “I don’t understand. How is this going to happen?”

      “You’re being sacrificed to the corn god, Yum Kaax. Sky Turtle has discovered why the prior sacrifices didn’t work, and the gods abandoned us. Now he knows what the gods desire.”

      “What is that?”

      “In the past, our ancestors sacrificed young maidens or straight warriors taken in battle. But what the gods really desire are gay young men, filled with the priests’ seed. Once we sacrifice you, Yum Kaax will use his power to clear this forest and then to allow the land to become fertile fields again. Other sacrifices to the other gods will follow, all the sacrifices being gay, young virile men, and the cumulative effect will be the resurrection of the Mayan Empire, and the driving of the foreigners from our lands!”

       “’Filled with the priests’ seed’? Do you mean that I’m going to be raped?”

       “Your body will be filled both anally and orally with the sacred seed of the priests. It will make you a more pleasing sacrifice to Yum Kaax!”

       “But I don’t want to be a sacrifice to this god of yours! I’ll bet you don’t even know what he looks like!”

       “Actually, I do, and you will see him on the day of sacrifice. He’s a handsome young man with a receding hairline, wearing an ornate headdress with an ear of corn replacing one of the feathers. Once your heart is removed, the blood from it will be smeared on his idol, an idol that has waited far too long to be nourished. Now, no more questions, you must eat! The second week is almost up and tomorrow, we begin seeding you and milking you. You’ll need your strength for that!”


     “Yes, Roger. Only sacred seed may be in the body of the sacrifice at the time of the offering. That means we must remove all of your human seed before you are implanted with the sacred seed.”

     “But how will I be milked.”

     “You will find out that in the morning. Now, rest! Trust me, you will need your strength!”

     Roger tried to sleep that night, but kept waking up, worried about how this milking would happen. Finally, at 6am, Sky Turtle entered the cell with Ramon and Roberto. They had a large, strange machine with them. Roger was forced to stand up, and his arms were raised over his head and restrained with manacles dangling down from the machine. Then a tube was fitted over his dick. It was a strange feeling, and it seemed loose, but Roger could feel ridges along the length of the tube. 

     Sky Turtle then told Roger, “Okay, we’re putting a dildo into your ass. Just relax, pretend it’s your boyfriend’s dick fucking you!”

     “I’ll try, sir.”

     “Good boi!” Then Roger felt pressure, the dildo was both larger and longer than his boyfriend’s dick. He tried to relax, but couldn’t avoid screaming out in pain as it was inserted. Finally, Sky Turtle had the dildo fully inserted past Roger’s sphincter.

      Finally, Sky Turtle attached two cup-like devices over Roget’s tits. There were wires coming out from the cups. 

      “All right! We’re ready. Let’s fire up the machine.”

      The switch was thrown, and Roger felt the tube mold itself so that it fit perfectly on his dick. It began slowly moving up and down on his dick, with the ridges erotically arousing him. Then the dildo came to life, moving in and out of his ass very slowly. Finally, the cups began exercising gentle but firm pressure on his tits, causing them to grow erect. Roger felt his dick get harder and harder. After about five minutes, he could wait no longer, and shot a huge load of cum, which went through the tubing, and into the machine. Then the machine went quiet for about ten minutes. Just as Roger had begun to relax, it sprung back to life. Again, after about five minutes, Roger shot a load of cum into the tubing. Roger really loved the milking. It felt like the best and hottest orgasms he’d ever experienced. The machine kept this up for about three hours. In the beginning, Roger was loving the attention his body was receiving, but as the machine kept going, there was less and less cum remaining in Roger’s balls, and each orgasm removed even more. After about an hour and a half, the orgasms were starting to be more painful than pleasurable. At first, he just moaned, but after about two hours the pain was sufficient to cause him to begin crying out. Sky Turtle then stopped the machine long enough to put a ball gag in Roger’s mouth to stop him from crying out. Then, with Roger properly silenced, the dreaded machine was turned back on! The routine continued for another two hours, until Roger had produced dry cum shots 10 times in a row. At that point, the jailers reasoned that Roger had spent all of his human seed. They quickly unhooked him from the machine. He was sobbing and holding his dick and balls, which were so painful and sore that his balls had turned blue.

     He was led to a stone pillar in the center of the cell. He was bound facing the pillar, and Sky Turtle, the High Priest of this group of modern day Mayans, began to fuck Roger, shooting his sacred seed deep inside Roger’s guts. Roger was ball-gagged again, to prevent his screaming, since the fucking caused him to get hard, and to cum, yet there was no cum to shoot! Once the High Priest had deposited seven loads inside Roger, his four associate priests, Ramon, Roberto, Rafael, and Ronaldo followed and also fucked Roger seven times each. While Roger could not cry out from the pain, there was a steady stream of tears running down his young, handsome face. When Ronaldo finished, Roger felt relief, but found it to be short lived. First, a dildo was shoved into his ass and secured in place to ensure that none of the sacred seed was spilled. He was then untied from the pole, and turned so he now faced out.

     The ball gag was removed, and replaced with a dental appliance that kept his mouth open. To his horror, Roger now found that all five of the priests were preparing to face-fuck him seven times each, and deposit even more cum down his throat. The goal was to fill Roger as full as possible with the sacred seed from mouth to ass. After about an hour, the task was complete. Roger was released and allowed to lie down on the stone bed and try to relax.

     He soon found that his relaxation was not to last. About an hour later, the priests re-entered the cell. Roger was forced to his feet, and he was led to the pole, and his wrists were bound behind him. Suddenly, Rafael appeared with a large can of blue paint. He took a brush, and began painting Roger’s skin a sky blue color. He used a small brush so that he could get all of Roger’s skin painted. He paid special attention to Roger’s cock, dick, balls, ass and mouth, as they believed that Yum Kaax would enter the body of the sacrificial victim through one of these orifices. Meanwhile, poor Roger was even more scared and frightened, because he knew his Mayan history, and knew that painting of the sacrificial victim was the final step before the victim was offered to the god.  Rafael finally finished at about 8:30am. The paint would take three hours to dry on its human canvas.

     Three hours after he’d been painted blue, Roger saw the cell door open, and Sky Turtle, Roberto, Ramon, Rolando, Rafael, and a man Roger couldn’t recognize, but who looked familiar, came into the cell. All six men were wearing feather headdresses and nothing else. Ramon and Roberto quickly approached Roger. Roberto grasped Roger’s hands and held them together as Ramon bound them with a strong hemp rope. Ramon held the other end of the rope in his hands.

    Convinced that the time for his death had come, Roger broke down. “Please, Mr. Martinez! I’m only 18! I don’t want to die! I’m too young to die. Let me go back to my family, I promise I won’t tell anyone! PLEASE!” he cried out in between large sobs of anguish.

     All of a sudden, the man that Roger didn’t quite recognize spoke up. “Roger, you were a whiner and complainer in my class and you’re still a whiner! Now quit crying and take this like a man!!”

     Roger recognized the voice instantly. “Professor Garcia? I don’t understand! What are you doing here?”

     “I am the Emperor of the Mayan Empire, Chitam III. I will lead Tikal and the Mayans to a glorious rebirth!”

     “You’re insane! Your gods as you call them are dead! I won’t let you murder me!”

     Sky Turtle broke in. “Quickly, we must finish preparing him for the sacrifice. We must make the sacrifice at noon for it to have the maximum effect!”

     Rafael and Rolando then took a second rope, and bound it around Roger’s waist. Now he could safely be led up the steps of the pyramid, and there would be no chance of Roger throwing himself off to a premature death. The procession started with Emperor Chitam III in the lead, followed by Sky Turtle, the High Priest. Next came Ramon and Roberto, pulling Roger up the steps by his bound wrists, and finally Rafael and Rolando, who held the rope encircling Roger’s waist to prevent him from falling from the steep sides of the pyramid.

     As they emerged from within the dark hallways of the pyramid into the jungle-filtered light of the sun as it neared noon, Roger noticed a large crowd of people gathered at the base of the pyramid, all naked except for feather headdresses. He turned to Rolando and asked him who all these people were.

     “Why, they’re members of the Mayan Empire, our families. They’re here to watch the sacrifice take place. You should feel honored!”

     As the grim procession started its ascent up the steps of the pyramid, Roger replied, “Fuck you and fuck your gods! I’m 18, and in a few minutes, I’ll be dead, as dead as your damn god is!”

     At that the procession stopped, and Sky Turtle ordered that Roger be ball-gagged for the remainder of the procession. While it succeeded in silencing his voice, Roger continued to struggle and pull against his restraints. Finally, just before noon, the procession reached the top of the pyramid. As Roger looked around, he saw a large flat stone with a stone blade lying next to it, and off to the side, an idol of a god, which he recognized as Yum Kaax, the Mayan Corn God from the descriptions he’d been given while imprisoned. His ball gag was removed but before he could say anything, Ramon and Roberto untied his hands, and each then grabbed one of his wrists. He was then forced to lie face up on the cold, stone altar, being held down by Ramon, Roberto. Rafael and Rolando. He struggled to get up, but their grip was too strong.

Suddenly, Sky Turtle’s voice boomed throughout the jungle. “Oh, Yum Kaax, Great Corn God, He who makes our fields fertile and nourishes our bodies, we come here today, to the Sacred Pyramid and Temple of El Gran Jaguar, to offer You what You desire most, the beating heart of this young gay man. Accept this sacrifice from Your people and grant our Emperor Chitam III and his descendents a long and prosperous reign. Hear our prayer, O Great God!”

     As Sky Turtle prayed to Yum Kaax, Roger struggled to get free of the grasp of the four priests holding him down on the altar. Try as he might, his strength was no match for them. Slowly, he realized that when the sun was directly overhead at noon, his young life would come to a violent and bloody end. His thoughts went back to his parents and brother. “I’ll never see my family again, and they’ll never know what became of me. What a cruel twist of fate that is. I’d give anything to tell them one more time how much I love them. And poor Julio, my boyfriend doesn’t know either. They’re all going to go crazy with worry concerning my disappearance. I hope that at some point they can move on with their lives, and find fulfillment. Oh, no! The High Priest has ended his prayer. That can mean only one thing!”

     Sky Turtle then approached Roger, struggling more than ever as the four priests held him down on the cold, stone altar. Sky Turtle reached beneath the altar, and held aloft a stone knife for all to see. The sharp blade glinted in the noonday sun. Suddenly, Sky Turtle brought the blade down, and it sliced through Roger’s flesh like it was butter. The wound was horizontal, and just below Roger’s left breast. Roger let out a cry of pain as the knife opened his body. Next, Sky Turtle plunged his hand into the wound, and Roger could feel his hand reaching up and searching for his now rapidly beating heart.

     Roger then felt Sky Turtle’s hand as it enveloped Roger’s heart. For a brief second, all was quiet atop the pyramid and then Sky Turtle yanked, and pulled free Roger’s heart. As Roger’s body began its death convulsions, Sky Turtle held the still beating heart aloft! He smeared Yum Kaax’s idol with blood from the heart, and then he collected blood from the heart into two cups. He gave one cup to Emperor Chitam III and kept the other for himself, and they both drank of the blood in the cups. Roger’s body was lifted by the priests, and thrown down the side of the pyramid, as it was of no further use to the Mayans. It landed in some jungle underbrush, which immediately withered. When Sky Turtle and Emperor Chitam III returned to that patch the next day, the land was cleared and ready to be tilled. “You see, my Emperor, Yum Kaax has blessed our offering! The first phase of the rebirth of the empire is complete. Now we just need to sacrifice other gay men to the other gods, and you will rule a land that extends from Texas in the north to Colombia in the south.”

     “That won’t be a problem, Sky Turtle. I have many other students that would be just as gullible as young Roger was. I’ll send you the next name tomorrow.”