Thursday, November 19, 2015


     Antonio was a young 20-year-old American boy of Mexican descent. He had dark brown to black hair shaved close on the sides, with striking blue eyes and a very light complexion which surprised people when he told them he was Mexican-American. He stood 6’1” and weighed 210 lbs. Not surprisingly, he had the pick of all the hot guys in Phoenix! His life was perfect except for one thing, his father had left the family home when Antonio was 6, and never returned.

     One day, Antonio asked his mother about his father. “Mama, I really want to find papa. I need to know why he left us. Did I do something wrong?”

     “No, Antonio. You did nothing wrong. Your papa returned to Mexico when his papa became ill and died. Your papa inherited the family business, and became a very powerful man in Southwestern Mexico. But he lives in the mountains, and his work keeps him very busy. He still sends me money to help with our expenses.”

     “Mama, I want to meet him! Please!”

     “I can’t contact him directly. But I do know one of his associates. He’s about your age. His name is Santiago de la Montana; he’s your cousin. I’ll get a message to him, but I can’t promise that your papa will come here.”

     “Oh! Thank you, mama! Thank you!”

     A few weeks passed, and Antonio’s mother called him into the room.

     “Antonio, I have heard from your papa. He has agreed to meet you, but you must travel to him. He will pay for a private plane to fly you there if you wish to go.”

     “Oh, yes mama! When do we leave?”

     “Only you will be going, Antonio. I will stay here. Please, promise me that you will come back home.”

     “Of course, mama! I would never abandon you!”

     “OK. Go pack your bags. There will be a car here in two hours to take you to the airport.”

     “Two hours? But, mama, I have no passport. How will I be able to enter Mexico without one.”

     “Trust me, my son. Your papa has arranged everything. Now go and pack!”

     True to his mother’s word, there was a knock on the door just as Antonio finished packing. Two men came to the door, and as Antonio looked out, he saw a small dark sedan in the driveway.

     “You Antonio?”

     Antonio looked up into the hardest, meanest eyes he’d seen and nodded. The man was 6’4” and 250 lbs of pure muscle. He’d never been so scared of a man before.

     “Where are your bags? The plane’s waiting, boy! Now get them and follow me!”

     Without a word, Antonio grabbed his bags and followed the two men out to the car. The driver had the trunk open and roughly grabbed the bags, put them in the trunk and closed the lid. Meanwhile the other man, the one who had frightened him, held the rear passenger door open. He looked at Antonio, and without saying a word, pointed for Antonio to get in! Antonio quickly complied, and the man got in beside him for the ride to the airport. Antonio briefly considered trying to flee out of the car, but discovered that there were no handles on the door next to him. He slumped back in the seat, not sure whether he’d ever see his mama again.

     After about an hour in the car, the car went down a dirt road leading into the woods. They soon reached a clearing, where Antonio saw a small private plane in the middle of the clearing. Now he knew why he didn’t need a passport. It wasn’t going to be a known flight. This plane could fly under the radar. The man got out of the car, retrieved Antonio’s bags from the trunk and hustled Antonio aboard the plane. The driver, meanwhile, turned the car around and left the area. Antonio realized that his papa must have a base of operations in Phoenix as well.

     The flight from Arizona to Mexico took a few hours, and Antonio looked out the window and saw the Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range below. The plane descended and landed in a clearing on one of the mountains. Once the engines stopped, the other man gathered Antonio and the bags, and led him to a waiting jeep. Once there, he was handcuffed to prevent escape and blindfolded. Antonio didn’t know it, but his papa was a very suspicious man. The jeep drove for what seemed like an hour, and then suddenly stopped. He felt hands grab him bodily, and he was flung over someone’s shoulder. It was in this position that he entered his papa’s house. He was taken to a room and dropped into a chair.

     He heard voices talking, but didn’t understand what was said, since they spoke Spanish, a language that he didn’t understand. His mother had told him that since he was American born, he had no need to learn Spanish. After a few minutes, the gag and handcuffs were removed. He had to blink a few times before he could see clearly, but when his eyes finally focused, he saw himself looking at an older version of himself.

     “Are you my papa?”

     “Yes, Antonio, I am Jorge de la Montana and this man who brought you here is Santiago de la Montana, my right hand man and nephew.  I’m sorry about the reception, but there are many men who wish me dead, and I had to make sure that you really were my son and not an imposter before I could allow you to be freed.”

     “Gee, papa. Why would men want to kill you?”

     “Antonio, if I answer that question, you must swear never to leave here again. Are you sure you want to know?”

     “I do, papa. Please tell me!”

     “It will mean never seeing your mama again, boy! Think it over.”

      Antonio wasn’t sure what his father’s secret was, but he had to find out. “Papa, tell me. I swear never to leave here again!”

     “Very well, my son. I am the head of the de la Montana cartel. There is another cartel that wants my territory, the Rivera cartel. If they ever found my stronghold, it would mean my death and that of all of my men.”

     “Cartel? Is that the family business that you inherited when your papa died? Don’t they deal in drugs, papa?”

     “It is and yes, we do deal in drugs. We need the drug trade to raise money to control the politicians and judges, not to mention that my cartel paid for your education. I’ve been sending your mama money to pay for the finest schools.”

     “But, papa, that’s illegal.”

     “I warned you when you asked what I do that if I answered, you could never leave here. My dream is to one day pass this business on to you, my only son. Join me, and we can both become wealthy beyond our wildest dreams. Refuse, and you will remain here as my prisoner. I will disown you as my son, and your cousin Santiago, my late brother’s son, will inherit.”

     “If I say yes, what will you expect me to do?”

     “I won’t sugarcoat it, son. You will have to kill men that I wish dead. Don’t worry, though. I have a man named Joaquin. He’s a trained killer and he’ll be your personal bodyguard as well as training you in the art of killing.”

     “I guess I’ll do it. I don’t really have a choice. When will I meet Joaquin?”

     “Right now. Joaquin, would you please come out and meet my son?”

     Antonio’s mouth almost dropped when he saw Joaquin. He looked to be in his mid-twenties, 6’4” and around 220 lbs with dark skin, brown hair and eyes. Tall, dark and handsome, just the way Antonio liked his men. Of course, he had no idea whether Joaquin was gay or straight, but he seemed to notice a slight bulge in Joaquin’s jeans.

     “Joaquin, this is my son, Antonio. He’s joining our cartel. Take him to the guesthouse. It will be his home while he’s here. You are to make sure that no harm comes to him, on pain of your death! Also, he will be joining you in killing our enemies. Train him well!”

     “Yes, SIR! You can depend on me, SIR!”

     Joaquin drove Antonio to the guesthouse. Antonio couldn’t believe his eyes. First, it was about five miles from his father’s house, and second, it was the size of a small mansion, with 10 spacious bedrooms.

     “Joaquin, are you sure this is papa’s guesthouse? It’s so far from his house.”

     “Yes, Antonio. Your father is a very powerful man, but he has powerful enemies. He has his main estate in the mountains, and about five years ago, he bought this one for emergencies. Until now, we’ve only used it when there was a war. He’s keeping you here, because he doesn’t want his enemies to know that he has a son, and that the son is here. They would kidnap you for ransom or worse!”

     “Then you must teach me to defend myself, and to kill! I’ve used a gun before, but never against a man.”

     “We will begin your training tomorrow. You have had quite a day. Let’s get some sleep.”

     “In which rooms will we sleep? There are so many?”

     “Only the master bedroom is furnished at the moment. We will sleep there.”

     “But there is only one bed, Joaquin!”

     “I saw the way your dick jumped when you met me, and I’m pretty sure you saw mine. We’re two gay men, we shall share the bed. Don’t worry, I won’t tell your father that his son is gay. You’re a very hot man, Antonio!”

     Antonio blushed and replied, “Thank you, Joaquin. You are exactly what I like in a boyfriend. Being so far from papa’s estate, we should have no problem hiding our sexuality.”

     “Okay, but first I know I need a drink. How about you?”

     “Sure, do you have vodka and cranberry juice?”

     “Are you kidding me? That’s my favorite drink! Man, we’re going to get along great!”

     Joaquin fixed the drinks, and afterwards Antonio said, “All right, stud! Let’s check out that bed!”

     The two young men went to bed, but got very little sleep that night, or many others for that matter. They had so much fun expressing their love for one another, that there was not much time for sleep. During the day, Joaquin worked with Antonio on his marksmanship, as well as teaching him how to restrain a man. At night, they made fireworks go off in their bed.

     A few weeks after he’d arrived in Mexico, Antonio was pulled aside by Joaquin. “We have a job to do for your papa.”

     “What is it, Joaquin?”

     “There is a man named Carlos Sevilla. He is a member of the Rivera cartel, but he has recently been moving in on our territory. Your papa wants us to find and execute him, and then send the body back to the Riveras.”

     “How do we find this man?”

     “He always eats lunch at a local restaurant, El Toro. We’ll take him captive as he returns to his car. Let’s go, my men have told me he arrived there about 10 minutes ago. One more thing, I don’t want him to know your name. We need an alias for you. I’ve got it. You’re going to be EL MUCHACHO!”

     “I like that! Now let’s go capture us a dirtbag!”

     They arrived at the restaurant, and parked next to a red Chevy Corvette. Antonio was behind the wheel of Joaquin’s car, with Joaquin in the passenger seat. About 10 minutes later, they saw a young Mexican leave the restaurant and walk towards the Corvette. As he put the key into the door lock, he felt Joaquin’s gun in his back.

     “Carlos, no false moves. Turn around VERY slowly, and get in the back seat of my car. You’re coming with us. We need to talk!”

     Carlos recognized Joaquin as one of the de la Montana cartel’s enforcers, and knew he was in trouble. But there was no way for him to reach the gun in its shoulder holster. He glumly got in the car, and then Joaquin slid in next to him. Joaquin quickly bound Carlos’ wrists behind his back with flex cuffs. He then patted down Carlos, found the gun and tossed it to the front seat. “OK, EL MUCHACHO, take us home. We’ve gotta deal with this garbage!”

     Carlos knew that he was in grave danger. “Please, amigos, I have a family. Let me go, and I’ll never encroach on your territory again. I promise on my wife and children! Just don’t kill me!”

     “You should have thought of them when you opened shop in our area. I’m not going to listen to you cry and plead all the way home.” And with that, he took some duct tape and wound it three times around Carlos’ mouth, gagging him. Soon, they pulled up to the house, and bundled Carlos inside, where they bound his arms and legs to a chair in one of the unused bedrooms. Both men put on brass knuckles, and then Joaquin ripped off the duct tape, causing Carlos to scream out in pain. He then did something that left Carlos no doubt that he’d never leave that room alive, he took his knife, and cut away all of Carlos’ clothes, leaving him naked.

      Meanwhile, Antonio finally took a minute to look over the poor unfortunate man in front of him who’d made such a fatal error. Carlos was about 6’2” and 220 lbs with a dark complexion, and brown hair and eyes. He looked at Carlos’ drivers license and saw that he was 26 years old. So young and hot, and now doomed to die this day.

     “No! Please! Don’t kill me! I’ll leave; I’ll leave the country. I’ll do anything!”

     “Tell us who approved of you opening in our territory!” said Joaquin.

     “I did it on my own. No one approved it!”

     “Liar! Maybe this will jog your memory!” and Joaquin punched Carlos in his rock hard abs, causing him to grunt in pain.

     When Carlos didn’t give a reply, Joaquin told Antonio to work him over. Antonio had only practiced his skills with the brass knuckles on mannequins before, but this was a living, breathing man. Still, he had been taught well, and he immediately went to work, pummeling Carlos with a barrage of punches to the head, chest, abs and dick and balls. He even broke a few of Carlos’ teeth. When he stopped, Carlos was black and blue, and was bleeding from the mouth.

     Joaquin then grabbed Carlos by the face and said, “Look, you can tell us or not. We both know that you’d never make that move without Juan Rivera’s personal OK. So cut the crap, just tell us, and it can all be over!”

     “If I tell you what you want to know, you will let me go? I can’t go back to Rivera anyway, he’d kill me for telling!”

     “Sure, Carlos. Tell us, and we’ll release you!”

     “Gracias! You are right, Juan Rivera, the head of the Rivera cartel personally approved the move. Now please release me! You promised!”

     Antonio pulled Joaquin aside. “We can’t release him. Papa would never approve.”

     “Antonio, I said I’d release him, I never said I’d let him go. We’re gonna release him, right into hell! Remember what I taught you. Your special way to execute a punk. One shot in each breast, and the coup-de-gras, a bullet right between the eyes. Now do it, lover!”

      Antonio drew his gun, and slowly approached Carlos. Seeing this, Carlos began to beg for his life. “No, you promised to release me! Don’t kill me!”

     Antonio pulled the trigger and fired into Carlos’ right breast, collapsing his right lung. Carlos began coughing up blood. Antonio then fired into Carlos’ left breast, missing the heart, but collapsing that lung as well. Carlos sagged in his bonds, as it became hard to breathe. Antonio grabbed Carlos by the hair, and pulled his head up. He put the muzzle of the gun right between his eyes, said, “this is how we deal with punks like you”, and fired the fatal bullet into his brain. They then called a few of the lesser soldiers in the cartel, who collected Carlos’ body, and returned it to the Corvette, where it was found the next morning. Attached was a note saying, STAY OUT OF OUR TERRITORY and signed EL MUCHACHO!

     For the next two years, Antonio and Joaquin continued to act as enforcers for the de la Montana cartel by day, while sharing a bed at night. Juan Rivera was beside himself. He had to find out who EL MUCHACHO was, and eliminate him. Unknown to him, however, there was another man equally anxious to remove EL MUCHACHO from the scene. Santiago de la Montana, once his uncle Jorge’s right hand man and heir, had now seen his cousin Antonio supplant him in both categories. He had expensive tastes and needed his inheritance in order to keep up his lifestyle. Suddenly, an evil plan came to him. He knew where Antonio and Joaquin lived, and vowed to deliver them to Juan Rivera himself.

     Juan Rivera had posted a reward of one million US dollars for the man who would deliver EL MUCHACHO into his grasp. He was tired of his men being picked off and murdered. One day, one of his lieutenants, Guillermo Diaz, came into his private office. “SIR! I have news. A man has offered to lead up to EL MUCHACHO!”

    “What? Who is this man, and can he be trusted?”

    “You will need to find out if he can be trusted. It is Santiago de la Montana, formerly de la Montana’s top lieutenant and heir.”

     “Why would he want to betray his boss? I don’t like it!”

     “According to my information, EL MUCHACHO is de la Montana’s long-lost son. He’s now supplanted Santiago de la Montana as heir to their cartel! But he doesn’t want the million dollars. He wants to be named head of that cartel, once you have eliminated EL MUCHACHO and his father. Naturally, he understands that YOU will be head of the main cartel, with his just a branch of yours.”

     “Set up a meeting at one of our restaurants. Tell him no bodyguards, just him and me. Naturally, you’ll have some of your best men undercover and armed in case anything goes wrong!”

     “As you wish, SIR! I’ll get the message to him. Hopefully, very soon, you will head the ONLY cartel in Southwest Mexico!”

     A few days later, Juan Rivera and Santiago de la Montana met for lunch at La Tomatilla, a restaurant controlled by Rivera. Unknown to Santiago de la Montana, everyone in the restaurant except him was armed and in the pay of Juan Rivera.

    “My lieutenant tells me you can deliver EL MUCHACHO and Joaquin to me. What’s in it for you? Why betray your uncle?”

     “My uncle betrayed me! My papa was killed in a power struggle with Uncle Jorge when my grandfather died. I was next in line to inherit, but I was just a boy. Uncle Jorge promised me that he’d treat me as his son, and that I would inherit once he died. Now, he’s found his precious son, Antonio, who now uses the name, EL MUCHACHO. Suddenly, I’ve been pushed off to the side and EL MUCHACHO is now his heir. I know that when I deliver EL MUCHACHO and his lover, Joaquin, into your power, that you will torture them until they betray Uncle Jorge. Kill all of them, but I want to be named the new head of the de la Montana cartel. I will call a halt to the war, and act as your subject. Do we have a deal?”

     “How do I know that you can deliver them to my power?”

     “Send two of your men with me. I know where the guesthouse is where they live. They’ll wait in the car. I’ll go to the door, and give them a bottle of vodka, a gift from EL MUCHACHO’S papa. Both men love vodka and cranberry juice before retiring to bed for some hot gay sex. The vodka will be laced with a strong sleeping draught. Within 10 minutes, both men will be naked and passed out on the bed in the master bedroom. Once they’re out cold, I’ll use my master key to open the door, and then your men can go in, bind and gag them, and bring them to you!”

     “Would you like to assist in their torture and execution, and witness the execution of your Uncle Jorge?”

     “Oh, yes! But how could that be done?”

     “When EL MUCHACHO and Joaquin are taken captive, you return with them to my headquarters in the valley.”

      “You have a deal, Mr. Rivera! I hereby pledge my undying loyalty to you and to the Rivera cartel!”

     A week later, the plan was ready for action. Santiago de la Montana had two of Rivera’s goons drive him to the guesthouse where EL MUCHACHO and Joaquin lived. It was about 10pm. There were no neighbors for miles, the house was very secluded. Santiago got out of the car, approached the door and rang the bell. Antonio came to the door.

     “Santiago, it’s late! Why are you here? Has something happened to papa?”

     “Relax, cousin. Your papa is in excellent health. He’s very happy with the skill that you and Joaquin dispatch his enemies. As a reward, he asked me to bring you a bottle of vodka. He knows how much you and Joaquin both love vodka and cranberry juice!”

     “Santiago, are you kidding me. This bottle is Billionaire Vodka, the most expensive vodka in the world. No one knows how it’s made, and the bottle is covered in thousands of diamonds and Swarovski crystals. One bottle costs $3.7 million US!”

     “Yeah, that’s what your papa paid. He said nothing was too good for his son!”

     “WOW! Tell papa how grateful I am, Santiago!”

     “Oh, I’ll be sure he gets the message!”

     “Thanks. Now, excuse me. I can’t wait to share this with Joaquin!”

     “Sure, cousin. It’s late anyway. Sleep well!”

     Antonio closed the door, and excitedly told Joaquin about the wonderful gift.

     “We can’t wait, Joaquin! We must try this vodka out tonight! Imagine the hot sex we’ll have!”

     “I agree, Antonio! I’ve got two glasses here, and here’s the cranberry juice. Pour the vodka and we’ll drink a toast to your papa!”

     Both men raised their glasses, and Antonio said “A toast to papa! The best papa a man could have!”

    They clinked glasses together and downed the contents. They then hurried into the master bedroom and undressed. They got into the bed, but suddenly Antonio and Joaquin sensed that something was wrong.

    “Joaquin, I feel very warm and sleepy. Do you?”

    “Yes, Antonio, but I think it is just the excitement. Let’s make love, that always wakes us up!”

     “You are right, Joaquin. We’ll be fine once we begin…………….” His voice trailed off as he lost consciousness. Unknown to him, Joaquin had also passed out from the drugged vodka. Santiago, hearing no sounds, used his master key and unlocked the front door. He crept down the hallway to the master bedroom and peeked in. There on the bed were EL MUCHACHO and Joaquin, both very naked and very passed out! He quickly retreated to the car, and got Rivera’s men to follow him back to the bedroom.

     Once there, they wasted no time. They quickly bound EL MUCHACHO and Joaquin hand and foot, and gagged them with their own underwear. They then took the men out to the car, and dumped them into the trunk. Before leaving, they spread gasoline throughout the house, and lit a delayed fuse. It was set to ignite the gasoline and destroy the house 10 minutes after they’d left the area. They then returned to Juan Rivera’s headquarters, and took both men down to the dungeon, where they were tied to chairs and left until morning, when Juan Rivera himself would preside over their torture and execution. Two guards were left with the men, who had their gags removed, since the dungeon was soundproof.

     When Montana’s men arrived the next morning and found the house in ruins, they thought at first that both men had perished in the flames. But there was an outbuilding on the property that had not been burned. In the outbuilding was a note addressed to Jorge de la Montana. The note read as follows. “De la Montana, we have your son, Antonio and his bodyguard Joaquin! If you want to see either of them alive again, retire and turn over all operations of your cartel to me. Otherwise, both your son and his bodyguard are dead men! Signed, Juan Rivera”.

     The next morning, the door to the dungeon opened and Antonio and Joaquin were greeted by Juan Rivera, Rivera’s top lieutenant, Guillermo Diaz, and much to their surprise, Santiago de la Montana, Antonio’s papa’s top lieutenant. Antonio blurted out, “Santiago! How could you betray your family?”

     Before Santiago could reply, one of the guards punched Antonio in the gut, knocking the wind out of him. “Don’t speak unless you’re spoken too, scum!”

     Joaquin couldn’t stand seeing his lover abused. “Hey, you leave him alone!”  He also received a punch to the gut for his troubles. Rivera then gave a hand signal for the guards to gag the two men for now, which was quickly accomplished.

     Rivera walked up to Antonio and grabbed him by the hair. Looking into his face, he said, “So this is the great EL MUCHACHO! His papa’s top enforcer! Now I find out he’s just a sissy fag! I wonder what your papa would say if he knew?” As he released his grip on Antonio’s hair, he spat in his face.

     Now he approached Joaquin and grabbed a handful of his hair so that their eyes met. “And this is Joaquin, who has been bodyguard and enforcer for both the papa and the pup, and now also turns out to be the pup’s fag lover! How does it feel to have a pup as a lover? You’re as pathetic as he is!” He then spat in Joaquin’s face as he released his grip on his hair.

     “Now listen to me. I’m going to order your gags removed. Don’t bother yelling, this room is soundproof. I want the exact location of your papa’s headquarters. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. It’s up to you! But trust me, you WILL give me the information that I require! OK, guards, remove their gags!”

     Antonio spoke as soon as his gag was removed. “Go to HELL, Rivera! Neither Joaquin nor I will ever betray my papa. You may as well kill us now!”

     Rivera turned to Joaquin. “Your lover is a stupid man, but he’s only been in the cartel for 2 years. You, however, came up through the ranks and understand better the way that things work. Tell me where his headquarters is, and you shall go free. I may even find a job for you in my cartel.”

     “Fuck you, Rivera! I’ve said the same thing to many men to get information I needed, then I killed them anyway. We both know that Antonio and I aren’t leaving this room alive. So cut the crap! We ain’t telling you a damn thing!”

     “Oh, I do abhor violence. Well, since you’ve both shown how stupid you are, I’m going to have to get the information the hard way. Santiago, inject this drug into Joaquin’s arm. Don’t worry; it’s just a mild sedative. We’ll need you asleep before we continue on to your torture!”

     A guard held Joaquin still as Santiago injected the drug into his arm. Within a minute, Joaquin lowered his head and began snoring.

     Antonio looked to the ceiling and saw two chains hanging down, and two more on the floor. The guards unbound Joaquin, and first attached his wrists to the two restraints hanging down. Then they attached his ankles to the other two restraints. Once he was secured, they turned on a motor, which slowly raised his body higher until it was taut between the two sets of chains. His naked body was facing Antonio. Rivera and the others then waited for Joaquin to awaken from the drug’s effects. It took about 30 minutes for that to happen.

     Once it did, Rivera turned and addressed both men. “This is your last chance. Tell me what I want to know, or two of my best men will begin taking their sparring practice, using Joaquin as their punching bag!” Neither man replied, but just looked at Rivera in stony silence.

     “Very well. Let me introduce you to Miguel and Roberto. They’re both former heavyweight boxers, who had to give up their careers when they killed opponents in the ring. Today, they’re going to be using weighted gloves, very illegal, but then again, the law has no power here. Miguel, Roberto, begin!”

     With that, the two thugs took up position, one in front of Joaquin and one behind him. They began punching him all over, in the face, chest, back, kidneys, butt and genitals. At first, his dick was hard and erect, but when his balls took a direct hit, his dick went limp and his balls retreated into his gut. They continued the barrage non-stop for 15 minutes. When they stopped, Joaquin was bleeding from cuts all over his black and blue body. One eye was swollen shut. He was missing several teeth.

    “Well, Antonio, how do you like your lover now? Tell me what I need to know and tell me now! Or must I move on to further destruction of your lover’s body?”

     “No, (gasp), Antonio, don’t tell him. We’re dead anyway! At least save your papa’s life.”

     “Antonio, I understand that before you came to Mexico, you were majoring in Microbiology. Is that right?”

     “Yes. But what does that have to do with this?”

     “Earlier, I injected Joaquin with a sleeping drug. Do you see this syringe in my hands? It is loaded with a very pathogenic microbe. This microbe will travel through a man’s bloodstream until it reaches his dick, balls and ass. Once there, it will feed on them from the inside, dissolving them very painfully and slowly. It’s one of the most painful ways to kill a man. He’ll die screaming nonstop and in terror! Now, tell me or I will personally inject Joaquin!”

     “He’s bluffing, Antonio!”

     “I’m not sure. There is such a microbe, I’ve studied it. Rivera, if I tell you where my papa’s headquarters are located, will you let Joaquin and I go? We’ll swear an oath never to return to Mexico, or seek revenge for what you will do to my papa.”

     “Yes, now tell me the coordinates of your papa’s headquarters!”

     “You know, I don’t think I will. At least not yet. I know that the microbe exists, but how do I know that is what’s in the syringe. I need proof that it’s really in the syringe. Prove it to me, and I’ll betray my papa.”

     “Very well. I have enough in that syringe to kill three men. Enrico, come forward!”

     A young man, about 21 years old with an olive complexion and brown hair and eyes standing 6’ tall and weighing 180 approached Rivera. “Yes, sir. What do you want of me?”

     “Enrico, you’ve been with the cartel only for a month. Please strip and then sit in that chair!” Rivera pointed to one of two empty chairs in the dungeon. Enrico obeyed without question.

     “Miguel, Roberto and Santiago, bind Enrico securely in the chair. Make sure his bonds are tight, so that he cannot escape.”

     As the men began to tie him, Enrico struggled and asked Rivera why he was being bound. Rivera told him that one sign of a good soldier is to never question an order from the head of the cartel. Enrico relaxed and allowed himself to be bound. Once that job was complete, Rivera addressed Miguel and Roberto again. “Miguel and Roberto, seize Santiago, strip him, and bind him into the empty chair!”

     Santiago began struggling and yelled at Rivera. “What the fuck are you doing? We had a deal! I was going to take over the de la Montana cartel and run it as arm of your cartel!” However, being no match for Miguel and Roberto, Santiago soon found himself naked and bound.

    “Santiago, you are a traitor! You betrayed your uncle and cousin to me, and in time you would have betrayed me as well. Sorry, but I can’t allow you to live! Antonio, you wanted proof, here is your proof.”

     With that, Rivera walked up to Enrico, took an alcohol swab from his pocket and moistened the skin of Enrico’s left arm. The syringe was filled to the three cubic centimeters level, with marks at every cubic centimeter. He punctured Enrico’s skin and injected one cubic centimeter of the solution. For about a minute, nothing happened, but then the microbes reached Enrico’s balls, dick and ass. Instantly, he began screaming in tremendous pain as the microbes began devouring their food. His private area turned black and blue and then the skin began to slough off. Within 10 minutes, there was a gory, bloody empty hole where his dick and balls used to be, and he began to sink down in the chair, due to his ass decaying. His face was a mask of terror, and as he died from the effects of the microbes, his mouth was frozen in a silent scream!

     Witnessing the destruction of Enrico, Santiago began struggling like crazy to get free and crying rivers of tears. Rivera coldly approached with the alcohol swab and syringe, and the sight frightened Santiago so much that a river of piss ran down his legs and pooled at his feet! Ignoring the mess, Rivera decided to prolong Santiago’s agony. Instead of injecting the deadly microbes in Santiago’s arm, he injected Santiago in the back of his hand. This increased the distance the microbes had to travel before reaching their ultimate goal. Santiago kept struggling for about 5 minutes, as the deadly mixture lazily coursed through his veins. He was begging someone to shoot him, and put him out of his misery before the microbes did their work. It was shocking seeing someone who had instilled fear in everyone he met, to suddenly be so afraid himself! All of a sudden, he froze in position. It only lasted a second, and then he began issuing the most bloodcurdling scream that anyone in the room had ever heard. It was even worse than Enrico’s terror-filled screams. Santiago’s cock was 10 “ erect and his balls the size of ostrich eggs. His cock grew to its full length as the microbes began their work. It took the microbes half an hour to devour his package, long after his ass had been destroyed! Finally, he collapsed into the arms of death, with tears running down his hard face.

     “Miguel, Roberto, take this trash and dump it in the septic tank. Maybe they’ll make good fertilizer! And now, Antonio, I have one dose left. Do I use it on your lover, Joaquin, or do you give me the coordinates of your father’s headquarters? You have 10 seconds to decide!”

     “Joaquin, I have no choice! I can’t let him inject you with that dreadful microbe cocktail! OK, Rivera, you win. I’ll give you the coordinates to papa’s headquarters. Only, please, let us live. We’ll never return to Mexico, we’ll move to somewhere far away, maybe Australia!”

     “You have a deal! Now, no more stalling, I need those coordinates!”

      “Very well. Forgive me, papa! I’ll always love you. His headquarters is located in Creel, Mexico, and the coordinates are 27°45′08.13″N 107°38′04.59″W. What will become of him?”

     “This part of Mexico is too small for both cartels to exist. Watch the monitors, and you will see soon enough what happens to your dear papa, boy!”

     Antonio and Joaquin turned to face the TV monitor. The first thing they saw on the screen was a small, unmanned plane. The GPS coordinates of the plane were displayed on the screen as well. As it neared the coordinates that Antonio had given Rivera, the plane released a GPS controlled missile. The missile descended into Creel, Mexico and they could see the city below as the missile descended. It exploded at the exact coordinates given to Rivera by Antonio. There was a gigantic explosion, and suddenly where there had been a large gathering of buildings, nothing remained except a gigantic five-mile-wide crater!

     “No! PAPA! You’ve killed my papa!!!!”

     “Well, to be accurate, Antonio, I’ve killed your papa and every member of his cartel! Well, every member except two! And now, I must finish what I’ve started and kill those two as well!”

     “What two are left? What are you talking about? I’ve given you the coordinates for my late papa’s cartel headquarters. Now release us as you promised!”

     Joaquin spoke up. “Antonio, I don’t think he ever intended to free us. We’re too big a threat. I’m sorry this happened, but face it, lover, we’re both dead men walking!”

     “NO! You can’t kill us! You promised, Rivera!”

     Rivera smiled coldly and replied, “I lied! Guards, inject them both with the sleeping draught again, then take them to the gallows!”

     The guards put the two condemned men to sleep, then slung them over their shoulders and carried them to the gallows. When Antonio and Joaquin awoke, they were standing naked at the bottom of a gallows with their arms bound behind their backs. They were forced up the 13 steps at gunpoint, and each man forced to stand upon a spot where an “X” had been drawn. Neither man was gagged, nor was a blindfold provided. Rivera himself walked up behind each man, lowered a 13-coil noose from above, placed it around the man’s neck and pulled it snug. He then asked each man if they had a final statement. Antonio spoke first.

     “I hope you rot in HELL, Rivera. Our deaths and those of our loved ones WILL be avenged! Joaquin, even though we are about to die, my love for you will never die! I LOVE YOU!”

     “How touching, but I think you will be in HELL long before me, boy! Now does your fag lover have anything to say before he dies?”

     “I won’t waste my breath on you, you bastard! Antonio, I’m sorry that you were dragged into this. I’ll love you for all eternity!”

     “I’ve heard enough! It’s time for you two to join the rest of your cartel in HELL! Do say hello to Satan for me!” And with that, Rivera pulled the lever. However, instead of dropping the men and breaking their necks, only the floor beneath them gave way. They didn’t drop even an inch, but began to slowly strangle on their respective nooses. Their legs began kicking and peddling as they reached in vain for the floor that was not there. It looked almost like they were riding bicycles. Their mouths opened and closed almost like fish trying to breathe. Their cocks grew to their full 9” erections and began dripping pre-cum. After about five minutes, their bodies had turned from a healthy tone, to a bluish color, and their tongues turned blue as well, and began protruding from their mouths. Suddenly, both men stopped gyrating and became very still. As soon as that happened, both men shot huge ropes of cum from their erect dicks. Their heads hung limply, and you could see blood pooling in the lower parts of their extremities. Their final act was to release a shower of yellow piss from their dicks, which then ran down their legs and then there was a stench as their bowels, no longer controlled by their dead bodies, voided its contents.

     Rivera turned to his guards. “I’m going to get me a bite to eat. I’m sure they’re dead, but leave the bodies hanging for one hour to be sure. Hose them down, then cut the ropes and bring the bodies off the scaffold. Leave the nooses around their necks. Take them outside; the others have already dug a grave for them. It’s six feet deep, seven feet long and four feet wide. Put them in the grave face down, with the nooses still around their necks. No, I don’t care which guy is first in the grave. Once they’re in, pour an entire sack of lime on top of them. I want those bodies destroyed totally. Then cover them up, and come inside. I’m sure the news will be full of details of the bombing into oblivion of the de la Montana cartel. I’ll supply the popcorn!”

1 comment:

  1. damn so hot I wish I was the one guy from the Rivera car tell that got that shot
