Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Till Death Do Us Part

     Justin and Tyrone Brown were a young married couple living on a rural farm in west Texas. They’d been married almost 2 years; in fact next Tuesday was their anniversary. Justin was 21, 5’11” and 200 lbs with a swarthy complexion and brown hair and eyes. Tyrone was 20, 5’11” and 170 lbs with blonde hair in a crew cut and green eyes. His ancestors were from Germany. The men had met while attending the University of Texas, but both had a love of the outdoors so they left college and moved to the farm.

     On Sunday morning, Tyrone was out working in the fields, and also practicing his swordsmanship. He fancied himself a swordsman in the mold of the Three Musketeers, and one benefit of life on the farm was it gave him time to perfect his skills with the blade. He found he could clear brush by cutting it down with his sword, so by now he was possibly the best swordsman in Texas. Finally, his work done, he headed back to the farmhouse.

     “Justin, where are you, husband? I’m back!” But his arrival was met with silence. There was no sign of Justin.

     “I wonder where Justin is? Oh, wait, there’s a note on the table.”

     The note read, “Tyrone, I had to run into town for some supplies. I’ll be back soon. Love, Justin”.

     “That’s strange! That’s the third time this week he’s had to go into town for supplies. You’d think he’d plan better and get it all in one trip. He’s always telling me to plan ahead. Oh, well, I haven’t gotten him his present for our anniversary. I’ll just open our laptop and see what I can find that he’d like.”

    He opened the laptop, and noticed that Justin hadn’t signed off, in fact there was an email message on the screen from Justin to Marcus. “I wonder who this Marcus is that Justin’s emailing? The name sounds familiar. Probably nothing, it may be an old friend from college. It won’t hurt to read it, can’t be too private, he left it open.”

     He read, “Marcus, I can’t wait to be with you. I’m coming right over to our apartment as soon as I send this. I’ve loved you ever since you and I snuck off for a quickie the night you stood up as best man for Tyrone and me. The dumb fool doesn’t suspect a thing! All he does is work on the farm and pretend he’s one of the Three Musketeers! Remember, next Wednesday I’m leaving him and filing for divorce. After that, you and I can live together openly, my love! I’d leave him now, but he’s spent so much time planning our 2nd Anniversary party. I’ll give him his party, and then I'll ditch the bum! All my love, Justin”.

     Tyrone was in tears. He couldn’t believe that Justin could betray him, especially with their mutual best friend, Marcus! He knew he couldn’t let Justin get away with this. He closed down the computer, and went out to the barn to decide what to do about this surprising development.  He spent several hours in there, and finally knew what he’d give Justin for their anniversary. He then went into the farmhouse, and found that Justin had returned from his clandestine visit to Marcus.

     “Hey, I saw your note. Did you get the supplies we need?”

     “Yeah, Tyrone. We should be stocked up for a while. So, are we going to have a party for our anniversary? It’s awfully late to call our friends.”

     “No, Justin. I think I want this anniversary to be special, just the two of us. In fact, I’ve devised a very special and personal gift for you.”

     “OH? What is that, Tyrone?”

     “I want to play out your favorite fantasy!”

     “You mean you want to behead me with your sword? That would be cool. But how can we do it? I don’t really want to die, you know!”

     “I’ve got a fake sword. It looks just like my real one. You’ll get the full experience, except after we’re done, you’ll still have your head. Would you like to hear more?”

     “YES! Tell me everything! You know how I love the thought of losing my head, especially to my spouse!”

     “OK! After dinner tomorrow, I’ll arrest you on a charge of treason! I’ll take you to the barn. I’ve worked all day turning one of the stalls into a cell. I’ll leave you chained up there. Sorry, but you’ll have to use straw for your bed. I’ve dug a fairly deep hole in one of the corners, that’s all you have for a toilet. Since the hole’s deep, hopefully it won’t stink too much. In the morning, I’ll come in dressed as Judge Tyrone. I’ll explain the charge, and we’ll have a trial. Then, after I find you guilty, you’ll be sentenced to death the following dawn, on our anniversary. What do you think so far?”

     “Fuck, Tyrone, that sounds so awesome! I’ll let you skip the trial, though. I’m guilty as sin, so I’ll save the “state” money and just plead guilty.”

     “Okay, Justin. But you do realize the penalty for treason is death by beheading, right?”

     “Tyrone, I’m counting on it. Look at how my dick’s reacting to the thought!” And he was right. Justin’s dick was fully erect, and there was a stain of pre-cum on his pants.

     “So, tell me about my execution, Tyrone!”

     “I’ll bring you your final meal tomorrow night. Since the “state” doesn’t have a lot of money to spend on a condemned prisoner, it’ll be just dry toast and water. I’d advise you to eat it all. It’s the last food you’ll ever eat! Then in the morning, I’ll come for you just before dawn. I’ll order you to strip naked and then don a pair of DKNY underwear, which will be your only clothing for your execution. I know they’re your favorite pair, and I want to see that hot dick and balls of yours trapped one final time inside them. Once that’s done, I’ll order you to put your hands behind your back, and I’ll bind them securely. Then we’ll march out to that little clearing in the woods on our farm. I’ve already dug your grave there.”

     “Wait a minute! This is all role-play, right? Why dig a grave?”

     “Don’t worry! Of course it’s role-play! I just wanted to make it more realistic!”

     “Okay, Tyrone, I trust you. Now, tell me more!”

     “Once we arrive at the execution site, I’ll order you to kneel. I’ll take that purple bandana I bought you on last year’s anniversary and use it as a blindfold. Then I’ll read the death warrant. At that point, I’ll ask if you have any last words, and if you do, that’s the only time you get to speak. So, remember, no talking in the cell or on the way to the execution site. Is that clear?”

     “What about when I plead guilty? I have to talk then!”

     “When I ask you how you plead, you reply ‘GUILTY, YOUR HONOR’. But that’s the only time you say anything until your final statement.”

     “Yes, SIR, TYRONE! What’s next?”

     “I’ll bind your ankles with a pair of manacles from our playroom. Once that’s done, you’re all ready to lose your head!”

     “Now tell me how the execution will work.”

     “I’ll take the sword from where I’ve hidden it in a hay bale. You’ll never see it except for maybe the hilt sticking out of the bale as we walk up to it. I’ll take a practice swing, and then I’ll lightly touch you with the blade on the right side of your neck. Then, I’ll bring the sword back and rapidly swing again, and if all goes according to plan, your head will come off in one swing.”

     “So, how do you like it, Justin?”

     “Tyrone, I fucking LOVE it!!!! Can I suggest one change though?”

     “Sure, I’ll give you one last request!”

     “One last request, I like that! Okay, Tyrone. If you have my cell ready, I’d like to be put in jail right now! Can we do that?”

      Tyrone smiled. He knew Justin well enough to know that he’d jump at this scene and he expected Justin to ask to start it right away. Everything was going perfectly!

     “Sure, if you want to. But remember the rules, you’ll need to use the straw as your bed and the hole in the ground as your toilet; you don’t speak unless I ask you a question, and you may only address me as Officer Black! Is that clear, boy?”

     “Yes, SIR! But why address you as Officer Black? Your last name’s Brown, just like mine. Remember, we’re married!”

     “Black is my name before we were married. I thought it would sound better if we had different last names, so I’m going to use that name for me. OK?”

     “Yes, SIR, Officer Black!” and Justin broke out laughing.

     “Oh, you find that funny? We’ll see how much you’re laughing when we’re done, boy! Now go in the bedroom. I’ll be there in a minute to arrest you!” Justin smiled and ran off to the bedroom. Then about a minute later, Tyrone broke down the door!

     “Justin Brown, you’re under arrest for high treason! Get up and face the wall!” Without giving Justin a chance to comply, he roughly grabbed Justin and shoved him face-first into the wall. Then he reached in his pocket, withdrew a pair of handcuffs, and before Justin knew what was happening, his hands were cuffed behind his back.

     “WOW! Tyrone! You really are into this. But you didn’t have to be so rough, I wasn’t planning to resist!”

     “The prisoner will not speak unless he’s asked a direct question. Now, I have to read you your Miranda rights. You have the right to remain silent, anything you do say may be used against you in a court of law, and you’re allowed to have an attorney. Do you understand these rights, boy?”

     “Boy? Did you forget my name, lover?”

     Tyrone grabbed Justin by the head and drove his head hard into the wall, so hard it left a dent. “All prisoners are referred to as boy, never by their name. And you will address me as Officer Black! Is that understood, boy?”

     Justin couldn’t believe how into this scene Tyrone was, but he didn’t want another reminder, either. “Yes, SIR, Officer Black, SIR!”

     “That’s much better, boy! Now, let’s get you booked into your cell! MARCH!” With that, he forced Justin out of the farmhouse, and across the field to the barn. As they entered, Justin noticed that all the horses and cows were gone. He didn’t know it, but Tyrone had moved them to their other barn in preparation for the scene. Tyrone forced him to the large stall at the back of the barn. He was shoved into the stall, and wondered how he’d be restrained. He didn’t have long to wonder.

     Once they were in the stall, Justin noticed a manacle lying in the straw attached to a cement ring in the floor. Tyrone wordlessly unlocked the manacle, and then he secured it around Justin’s right ankle. Finally, he removed the handcuffs and reattached them in the front. “There, that ought to hold you until your trial, boy! Enjoy your dinner!”

     He walked out of the stall, confident that with his hands and ankle bound, Justin could not escape. Justin looked at his surroundings. There was straw scattered in a corner on the floor, and a tray with some dry toast. There was also water in the animal trough.  He was getting hungry, and decided to eat the meal Tyrone had provided. He bit into a piece of toast, but it was cold, apparently Tyrone had made it hours ago. The water was barely cold. Strange, if they’d just agreed to this scene, how had Tyrone known to prepare all of this hours ago? “Oh, well, I’m hungry and thirsty, and I am enjoying myself. That dick of mine is SO HARD!” With that, he went back and finished off the toast and drank some water. He did find it a bit awkward drinking from a trough.

     A few hours later, nature had taken its course, and Justin needed to take a piss. He unzipped his pants with some difficulty, since his hands were still manacled. But he eventually freed his dick from its prison and began to pee. The piss went down the hole with a little missing the hole and darkening the floor around the hole. Justin was curious how deep the hole was. He picked up some stray pebbles on the bare floor and dropped them in. “WOW! That hole must be at least 6 feet deep, I can’t even hear the pebbles hit bottom.”. He was beginning to regret asking to start early, as he wondered what Marcus would say? They were supposed to go out to dinner tomorrow night. Oh, well, he’d explain it all to Marcus after Tuesday. Right now, he was horny as hell! He jacked off, then lay down on the straw and fell asleep in anticipation of his trial in the morning.

     He woke up early in the morning. He had to piss several times during the night. And this morning, he had to take a shit; thankfully the hole was deep enough to at least mask most of the stench. After finishing, and wiping as well as he could by using pieces of the straw as toilet paper, he noticed that Tyrone had brought in his breakfast. There on the tray was one slice of dry cold toast, and his water trough had been refilled. He had barely finished eating when he heard the barn door open. There was Tyrone dressed in a black robe; actually it was a black satin sheet from their bed.

     “The court for the jurisdiction of West Texas is now in session, honorable Judge Tyrone Black presiding! Prisoner Justin Brown, you are charged with the crime of High Treason! How do you plead?”

     Justin’s dick had immediately sprung to attention when Judge Tyrone entered the room. “Guilty as charged, your honor!”

     “Does the prisoner understand that he is entitled to a trial? And does the prisoner further understand that the only penalty the court can impose for High Treason is Death by Beheading?”

     “Yes, your honor, but I AM guilty, so what’s the point of any other plea except guilty as charged?”

      “Would the prisoner prefer to defer a plea until he can consult with counsel?”

     “No, sir! I did the crime, so I must face my punishment!”

     “Very well, you leave the court no choice! Having pled guilty to the crime of high treason, I hereby sentence you, Justin Brown, to be taken from this cell tomorrow morning just before dawn to the place of execution. There at dawn, a swordsman shall behead you, and you will be buried in an unmarked grave! And may GOD have mercy on your soul! Court is adjourned!”

     With that, Tyrone left the barn and Justin returned to the solitude of his cell. He felt something on his leg, and realized he had cum as the judge condemned him to death! 

     Tyrone came in a few hours later, but didn’t bring any food for Justin. This puzzled him, as he was getting hungry. “Permission to ask you a question, Officer Black?”

     “Permission granted, boy! Ask your one question!”

     “Officer Black, I’m hungry. Did you forget to bring me lunch, SIR?”

     “No, boy. You’re not getting lunch. First, there’s just enough bread for your final meal, and second the more food in your system in the morning, the more of a mess you’ll make when you’re executed! Do you understand, boy?”

     “SIR, YES, SIR!”

     “Good! I’ll be back in three hours with your last meal. Oh, I’ll also be draining your trough after you eat, so you might want to drink your fill now. Man, you need to clean this place up! It smells like a barn in here, boy!” Tyrone left the barn, his laughter still ringing in Justin’s ears.

     Justin drank some more water and paced around his cell for the next three hours. Then, right on time, Tyrone entered with a tray and a single slice of dry toast! “Eat it all, boy! It’s the last food you’ll taste on this side of Hell!”

     As Tyrone left, Justin sat on the floor to eat his “final meal”. He was very hungry, especially since Tyrone had forced him to miss lunch. Then, about 30 minutes later, he heard the barn door open again.  Tyrone entered the cell, took the empty bread tray, and pulled the plug on the water trough, draining it. “Sleep well, boy! In the morning, the headsman will remove that head from your traitorous torso! HAHAHAHA!”

     Justin felt slightly disturbed at Tyrone’s burst of laughter, but wrote it off as him really getting into the scene. Justin himself had been hard the entire time, and went to sleep with the thought that for him, tomorrow’s dawn couldn’t get here fast enough!

     Shortly before dawn, Justin was roused from his slumber by a sharp poke in his ribs from a cane that Tyrone had inherited from his grandfather. He rubbed his eyes with his manacled hands, and then looked up at Tyrone, bare-chested and wearing a pair of skin-tight jeans that accentuated Tyrone’s ample package.

     “Boy, it’s time for you to pay for your crimes. Show me your hands now.”

     Justin did as he was told, and Tyrone took a handcuff key and unlocked the handcuffs. “Boy, I order you to remove all of your clothing! Place all of your clothes on the pile of straw that you’ve been using as your bed. It will be disposed off along with all of the other rubbish! Then put on this pair of DKNY briefs. It’s all you’re allowed to wear at your execution, boy!”

     Justin paused for a second. “Tyrone, why do I have to put my clothes on that pile of straw? And what do you mean you’ll dispose of it all? And you know I hate the way those DKNY briefs show off my package, especially when I kneel!” Only when he saw Tyrone’s eyes flash with anger did he realize his error! Tyrone struck him on the legs with the cane and said, “The prisoner is not to speak without permission, and is to always address me as Officer Black! Is that understood, boy?”

     Justin recoiled in pain and through tears said, “Yes, SIR, OFFICER BLACK, SIR!” He then began disrobing as he’d been instructed, and put on the tight DKNY briefs! He also began to wonder if this really was a role-play or something more. No, he must be overreacting. Why would Tyrone kill him for real?

     “Now, boy! Put your hands behind your back! DO IT NOW!!”

     Justin sheepishly did as he was told, and felt the cold metal handcuffs once again imprisoning his strong arms uselessly behind him. He also felt his dick get harder and harder! He didn’t even notice when Tyrone bent down to unchain him from the leg manacle. He was stirred from his thoughts by another sharp strike of the cane and the order, “BOY, MARCH!”

     They marched from the barn across the field and into the woods. Soon, they reached the clearing, and Justin saw the hay bale with the sword hilt poking out, as well as the grave for his remains.  “Okay, boy, kneel!”

     As soon as Justin had knelt down, Tyrone pulled a purple bandana from his pocket and bound it around Justin’s head, covering his eyes. Justin was now in total darkness and hard as a rock, which was painful in the constricting embrace of the briefs! 

     With his heart beating rapidly, he heard Tyrone read the death warrant. “Justin Brown, having pled guilty to the crime of High Treason for which you were arrested, you have been sentenced to death by beheading. Sentence to be carried out on Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at dawn. May GOD have mercy on your soul! Does the prisoner wish to make a final statement before sentence is carried out?”

     “Yes, SIR! I’d like to apologize to all the people hurt by my treachery. I hope that my death will be a small, if inadequate, repayment for the evil I’ve done.”

     “As dawn is about to break, I will now prepare the prisoner for execution!” Tyrone bent down behind Justin, took a pair of manacles, and securely bound Justin’s ankles together. Justin was now totally immobilized.

     As he stood up, Tyrone whispered in Justin’s ear, “ Rot in Hell, husband! I’ll send Marcus your regrets!”

     Justin gulped. He didn’t know how much Tyrone knew. For now, he had to play along. “What are you talking about? Marcus, who’s he?”

     “Why surely you remember! He was best man at our wedding! And he also slept with you on our wedding night, and you were going to run away with him tomorrow and leave me!”

     “What are you talking about? I’d never leave you, I love you, Tyrone!”

     “I told you, that’s OFFICER BLACK to you! You left your email open the other day, I read all about your plans! And now, you’re going to die as the traitor you are, a traitor to our wedding vows! And Marcus will never know what happened to you!”

     At that, all the color drained from Justin’s face! “NO!!! I’m sorry about Marcus! I’ll stay with you; I’ll never see him again! Tyrone, I don’t want to die!”

     Tyrone slapped Justin across the face! “It’s OFFICER BLACK! You’re right; you will stay with me and never see him again. In a few minutes, your dead, decapitated body will be rotting in that unmarked grave for all eternity! I’d advise you to keep still. Remember, the first touch of the blade will be practice, but if you move on the second stroke, it may get very messy!” Justin hung his head; he knew he’d receive no mercy from his enraged husband.
     “Head up, boy! That’s an order!”  Justin raised his head back up, uncertain as to where Tyrone was. The answer wasn’t long in coming. A few seconds after raising his head, he felt the blade of the sword lightly brush his neck. He froze in position, fearful of the next time he’d feel the blade, but at the same time, he noticed that his dick was rock-hard inside his briefs. Then Tyrone brought the sword down again, slicing off Justin’s head from right to left, going through his neck like it was soft butter! Justin’s head hung suspended in the air for a second before tumbling to the ground, and rolling into the grave. His body fell to the dirt, and then fell sideways into the waiting grave to join his head.
     Tyrone went to clean up the scene. As he approached Justin’s body, he noticed a yellow stain in the front of his DKNY briefs, and then noticed a bulge in the rear. “Man, Justin, you stink, man! You really were a sack of shit!” Yes, as he died, poor Justin had voided himself. He then covered the body and head with dirt and soil, filling in the grave. He then went back to the farmhouse. He knew that Marcus might get suspicious if Justin didn't show up as planned on Wednesday, so he needed to file a missing person report.

     He called the police later that day to report his husband missing. They came by and took a report. They searched the farm, but didn’t find the gravesite. They checked the laptop, and found the email from Justin to Marcus. The cops then went to Marcus’ apartment and confronted him, and he confessed that he and Justin were lovers, even showing them his copy of the email, as well as several others they had shared. At that the police decided to question Tyrone further, and this time when they went to the farm, they had a search warrant in hand.

     “Why, officers, what a surprise! Did you find my dear husband, Justin?”

     Detective Grant replied, “Cut the crap, Tyrone! We know all about your “husband’s” gay love affair! Now what have you done to him?”

     “Officers, I resent that! Justin would never cheat on me, and I’d never harm a hair on his head!”

     “Yeah, sure! Look, we found the email on Justin’s laptop, and even more on his lover’s laptop! Now where’s the body? We have a search warrant, and we’ll tear apart this entire farm if we have to!”

     “I repeat, I don’t know where Justin is! Maybe you should use your search warrant at Marcus’ apartment!”

     “Tyrone, you slipped up! I never mentioned the name of Justin’s lover!”

     “You didn’t have to. Remember, I was in the room when you read the email. I was looking over your shoulder.”

     Before Detective Grant could reply, Officer Harris turned to him and said, “Detective, look out there in those woods. Are those vultures circling?”

     The detective turned to Tyrone and said, “They sure look like vultures to me! Do you want to tell me anything before my officer and I go find out what’s got the vultures so excited?”

     Tyrone had turned pale. He could see the vultures too. Damn, why hadn’t he covered the body in lime? He had more than enough for the job! He simply hung his head and remained speechless.

     The detective turned to Officer Harris and said, “Handcuff Tyrone and bring him along with us. And you’d better bring a shovel.”

     Tyrone found his voice and said, “Under what charge are you arresting me?”

     The detective replied, “For now, you’re being held as a person of interest and a material witness. But I have a feeling very soon, it will be on a charge of capital first degree premeditated murder!”

     Having cuffed Tyrone, the trio made its way across the field and into the woods. As they arrived, they noticed several vultures trying to clear a mound of earth. When the men arrived, the vultures retreated to a nearby tree. Officer Harris then took a shovel and began digging into the mound. Shortly he hit something solid, and said to the detective, “I think we have a body!” When he heard this, Tyrone fainted!

     Officer Harris continued digging, and exposed the torso and head of a young man who fit the physical description of the missing man, Justin Brown. Detective Grant ordered Officer Harris to remain with the body and radio the coroner, while he took the prisoner back to the farmhouse to search for the missing murder weapon.

     Once back at the farmhouse, the detective pushed Tyrone hard into a chair in the living room, glared at him, and said “Tyrone Brown, I hereby arrest you on a charge of capital, pre-meditated first degree murder. You have the right to remain silent, anything you do say may be used against you in a court of law, you have the right to an attorney, should you be unable to afford one, the court will appoint one for you. Do you understand your rights, you murderous faggot?”

     Tyrone answered, “Yes, SIR!” He didn’t say anything more; he knew he had a chance of getting away with the murder, since they hadn’t found his sword yet.

     The detective told him to remain there, while he searched the farmhouse. He checked several rooms, finally coming to the master bedroom. In the center of the room was a queen-size bed, which appeared to have been hastily made. He pulled back the bedspread, and noticed something shiny barely poking out between the mattress and box springs. He lifted up the mattress, and found a sword with bits of blood and skin stuck to the blade. There was also a small bloodstain under the mattress. Apparently, after beheading his so-called spouse, he had failed to properly clean the blade.

     He re-entered the living room carrying the sword. Tyrone turned a sickly shade at the sight. He knew that the game was up.

     “Tyrone, why not save the taxpayers a lot of money, and tell me what happened. Maybe if you explain how it just happened in the heat of the moment, the court will go easy on you, and give you a life sentence.”

     Tyrone rose to the bait! “Sure, I’ll confess. I did it.”

     “You need to tell me how it happened, so we can put it in the report. I need all the details. For instance, was it pre-planned, or did you decide in a moment of passion?”

     “It just happened. I was so upset over the email, and the thought of losing him. I forced him into the woods and killed him.”

     Just then, Officer Harris came in. The coroner had arrived and taken custody of Justin’s remains. He’d do an autopsy, but the cause of death was obviously decapitation.

     Detective Grant filled in Officer Harris on the finding of the murder weapon and the confession that the murder was only decided upon that day.

     “Detective, that’s not possible. I was walking back, and decided to check out that barn. There was a stall at the back with dried bread crumbs in it, a recently drained water trough, some straw that showed signs of being used as a bed, and on the straw were clothes that were the right size for our victim. I’d say he was held captive there a minimum of two days prior to the murder!”

     Hearing this, Detective Grant turned to Tyrone. “So it WAS pre-meditated! You lying sack of homo shit! What do you have to say for yourself now?”

     Tyrone said nothing, but thought to himself what a fool he'd been by forgetting to clean out the barn!

     Officer Harris interrupted. “Hey, Detective, let him tell his fairy tale to the court. Let him get a life sentence. Remember Bobby Johnson, the last fag our county sent to prison? He didn’t last a month! As soon as the inmates found out he was gay, they repeatedly gang-raped his ass, and then when he threatened to go to the warden, Big Bubba got him assigned as his cellmate, and beat him to death! And Bobby wasn’t as cute as Tyrone here.”

     Detective Grant looked at Tyrone, and said, “How about it, punk! You still want to tell the judge that sack of shit story you tried to sell me?”

     Tyrone knew Bobby Johnson, they’d even been lovers at one time. He couldn’t imagine undergoing all that torment in prison! “No, SIR! I’m guilty as sin, and I deserve to die for my crimes!”

    The detective turned to Officer Harris. “Take this homo piece of shit to the county jail, and lock his ass up! He’ll see Judge Stevens in the morning!”

     That night, Tyrone slept fitfully in a jail cell. Luckily for him, it was a slow crime week, so he was the only prisoner. Detective Grant came to his cell in the morning to prepare him for court. He fit Tyrone with full wrist and ankle manacles, joined together. They didn’t want any chance of an escape.

     At 9AM, they entered the courtroom of Judge Hiram Stevens. Judge Stevens noticed that Tyrone wasn’t represented by counsel, and asked if he wanted one.

    “No, your honor, I waive my right to counsel.”

    “That is your right, but he who represents himself has a fool for his counsel!”

     “Nevertheless, I do waive my right.”

     “Very well. Mr. District Attorney, will you read the charges against Tyrone Black?”

     “Mr. Black is charged with first degree kidnapping, first degree capital pre-meditated murder, filing an erroneous police report and improper disposal of a corpse. Your honor, Mr. Black kidnapped and held captive his husband, Justin Black for a period of at least two days, following which he forced the victim into the woods, where he murdered him by decapitation with a sword, and then hid the body in a prepared grave, and filed a report with the police stating that the victim was a missing person. The charge of first degree capital pre-meditated murder carries an automatic punishment of death by decapitation in the public square.”

     “Very well, Mr. Black, having heard the charges against you, how do you plead?”

     “Your honor, I plead guilty as charged to all counts!”

     “Did you not hear the District Attorney state that a guilty verdict or plea to the murder charge carries an automatic sentence of death by decapitation in the public square?”

      “Yes, Sir, Your Honor. But I did commit the crime, and I’m guilty. Will you please pronounce sentence?”

     “Before I do, one more warning. If you are found guilty of murder, you have the right to appeal the verdict to another court. That appeal, even if unsuccessful, may delay your execution by several years. However, should you plead guilty, you automatically waive your right to appeal, and I will sentence you to be beheaded within a week! Do you still wish to enter a guilty plea to all charges?”

     Tyrone gulped hard. He really did want to live, but he knew he wouldn’t last a week in prison. “Your honor, I plead guilty as charged on all counts!”

     “Then you leave this court no choice. Tyrone Black, I accept your guilty plea. You are to be taken back to the county jail, and on Monday, July 25, 2016 at 8am, you are to be taken in chains from such jail, clad only in a pair of Calvin Klein briefs, to the public square, there you will be forced to kneel, and the headsman for the district of West Texas will decapitate you by sword. Your head shall be placed on a pole, and left in the town square until it rots, as a warning to others who might be tempted to follow your murderous path. Your body shall be buried in the town rubbish heap, a proper burial for the likes of you. And I doubt he will, but may God have mercy on your soul! I also sentence you to life in prison for kidnapping, 10 years for improper disposal of a corpse and 30 days for filing an erroneous police report, all these sentences to run consecutively. But they really don’t matter, as you will be dead this time Monday. Detective, get this pathetic cowardly killer out of my court!”

     With that, Tyrone was taken back to jail, there to wait from Wednesday to the following Monday for his execution. He was ordered to be treated the same as he’d treated his victim, so his only bed was a bed of straw; he only got dry toast at mealtime and had to drink from a trough brought into his cell. Unlike his victim, he was allowed out of his cell to use the restroom.

     The five days went be all to quickly. On Monday morning, at 8am, Detective Grant entered the jail, went up to the cell, and then ordered Tyrone to put his wrists through the bars, so he could undo the handcuffs. Once that was done, he ordered Tyrone to undress in full view of his jailers. He collected Tyrone’s clothes, which would be raffled off at the county fair to help offset the cost of his imprisonment. He then gave Tyrone a pair of yellow Calvin Klein briefs, which was all he’d be wearing to his execution. Tyrone went to put them on, but then stopped!

     “Hey, Detective! These briefs are too tight! They’ll show everything, it’ll be so embarrassing for the public to see me like this!”

     “Ain’t that too bad! Get them on, boy! It’s the only pair we have; it’s been a while since the last execution in our county. If you don’t put them on, me and Officer Harris will do it for you!”

     Tyrone struggled with the briefs, but finally got them on, his package outlined obscenely for all to see! Once that was done, he was ordered to once again put his hands through the bars behind his back, so that he could be cuffed for the short walk to the execution square. As he was led through the square, he was pelted with overripe fruit and vegetables. He also heard catcalls from several members of the public.

     One father said to his son, “See what the wages of sin can do, boy! That young man is so handsome. He could have had any girl in town, gotten married and lived to a ripe old age. Instead, since he chose to disobey God’s laws, he’s going to be executed right now.”

     Another yelled, “Don’t worry about losing your head, boy! I’m sure that Satan will give you one with horns when you get to HELL!”

     Yet another yelled, “They ought to chop off your dick and balls. After all, if you’d have used them in the proper way, you wouldn’t be paying for murder with your head today!”

     The execution site was on a raised platform in front of the courthouse, so that all the public could get a good look at the beheading. Tyrone was marched up the steps to the top of the platform, where the headsman was waiting.


     Once he was at the top, the detective read the death warrant. “Tyrone Black, you have pled guilty to first degree pre-meditated capital murder, the sentence of which is death by decapitation. As you pled guilty, you have automatically waived your right to appeal. Do you have any last words?”

     “Yes, I’m not sorry about killing Justin, he deserved what he got for trying to dump me. I’m only sorry that I got caught and that I couldn’t lure that low-down dog lover of his, Marcus, and killed that son of a bitch too!”

     The headsman had been standing quietly as Tyrone gave his final statement. But suddenly, a gust of wind came up, and blew the mask from the face of the headsman.

     Tyrone screamed! “NO! It can’t be! Marcus is going to be my headsman? NOOOOOOO!!!!!!”

     Marcus replied, “Damn that gust of wind! I’ve been the headsman for this district for years, but the mask hid my identity. But for you, Tyrone, I waived my usual fee! I’m doing you for Justin!”

     Detective Grant then said, “There being no communication to the contrary from the Governor of this state, I hereby order that the sentence of the court be carried out now!”

     With that, Tyrone was forced to kneel, and a white cloth blindfold was tied over his eyes. His dick had hardened as the blindfold was put on, but rather than being a pleasant feeling, it was painful as the tight briefs prevented it from rising. Just then, he felt the blade of a sword lightly brush his blonde neck hairs. He froze, knowing what was coming next. As he froze, a stream of cum dribbled out of his trapped dick and down his legs. A split second later, Marcus’ blade struck the fatal blow, severing Tyrone’s head from its torso.

     Marcus reached down into the straw, grabbed Tyrone’s head in his hands, and declared,  “Thus die all murderers! Justin is avenged!” He then gave the head to Detective Grant, who rammed it down on to a vertical pole on the platform, there to remain until it rotted away to nothing but a skull as a warning to others who might be tempted to commit murder. The body was removed to the local landfill, where it was interred six feet down in the middle of the trash heap. In a final irony, there being no heirs to the farm, Marcus bought it at public auction, and ran it as he knew Justin would have wanted.

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