Jess, a petite 20-year-old blonde,
was having a quiet dinner at her house outside Phoenix, with her handsome, 24
year old boyfriend James. James was 6’1” and 170 pounds of pure muscle. All of
a sudden, her cell phone rang. She looked at the number, and James seemed to
sense a change in her expression. He said, “Aren’t you going to answer that?”
and she replied, “No, it’s just some bill collector. I’ll call him back later.”
James let it pass, and they finished dinner. After dinner, Jess collected the
dishes and took them to the kitchen to wash. James told her he’d sit on her
couch and get a movie ready for them to watch. Jess was so preoccupied that she
forgot her cell phone and left it by her place at the dinner table. James
noticed it, and was going to take it to her, but then he noticed that she’d
left it on. He was still troubled by her reaction to the call during dinner. So
he took the phone into the living room, and searched the call log history.
Naturally, there were a lot of calls between him and Jess, but he also noticed
as many calls between Jess and someone named Luke. And the call that came
during dinner was from this guy Luke. Strange, when he got bill collector
calls, his caller ID always listed the name of the company, not a person. And
they were from toll free numbers, while this Luke number was local. On a hunch,
he called the number from Jess’ phone. A guy answered, and asked, “Hey, baby!
How are you doing tonight? I was hoping we could catch dinner and a movie
tomorrow!” James never said a word, but just ended the call. Luke called back
right away, but James, feeling totally betrayed, let the call go to voicemail.
Jess finished
washing the dishes, and joined James on the couch. “So, did you choose a movie
for us to watch, James?” “Yeah, Jess. I thought we’d watch a classic film, Cool
Hand Luke”. He noticed as he said the word Luke, she gasped inward slightly.
“OK, baby. If you don’t want to watch that one, I’ll look for another. While I
do, why don’t you call that bill collector back?" "I told you,
sweetheart, that call isn’t important. I’ll call him after you leave.” “HIM!
How do you know it’s a him? When I get a call about a bill, my phone only shows
the company name.” “Oh, mine too. It
said the Bob Smith Collection Agency, so I just assumed it was a man.” “Really,
let me check. Your phone’s right here. Wonder who called last.” Now there was
no doubt, as Jess had turned as white as a sheet. She recovered, and said,
“You’re right, honey. I will call that collector back. Give me my phone and
I’ll call him from my bedroom, while you select the movie.” “It’s just a bill
collector. No need to leave me, baby. Call from right here!” “Oh, I couldn’t do
that. I’ll just go in the bedroom.” She was getting paler and more nervous by
the second, and James could sense it. “No, Jess. Call from right here! I want
to hear what you say to LUKE!” When I mentioned the name, Luke, she let out a
strangled cry, and jumped out of her seat. “Luke, who’s Luke?” she asked as she
recovered. “Cut the crap, Jess. I checked your phone. You and he talk on the
phone more than you and I do! Oh, he wants to take you to dinner and a movie
tomorrow night.” “You’re crazy, James! And how would you know about tomorrow
night, anyway?” “Easy, Jess. While you did the dishes, I called him. He didn’t
wait to hear my voice. He just volunteered that he wanted to take you out
tomorrow. Naturally, I hung up without answering him. But he called back and it
went to voicemail. Let’s just hear what lover boy said on the voicemail, shall
we?” Without asking, he hit play on the voicemail. “Hey, baby, it’s Luke. You
really need to buy a better cell phone plan. Your plan dropped the call before
you could tell me if we’re a go for dinner. Call me, I love you, baby. Luke”
“OK, bitch! Cut the crap! There is no collection agency, but there is a guy
you’re involved with! Tell me about him!”
“I can’t believe you violated my trust and went through my phone.” “Like
you didn’t violate mine by dating another guy behind my back!!” “OK. Luke is
22, 5’8” and 150. He has the sexiest blonde hair and blue eyes, not that I
don’t like your brown hair and eyes, I do. He lives with his widowed mother,
and his three sisters. Now you know about him. Satisfied?” “Yes. Now, you’re gonna
call him back, and accept that date. Tell him he was right, that your phone
dropped the call.” “Why? What do you have planned?” “Look, I don’t share my
women with anyone. When he arrives, he and I are going to have a man-to-man
talk. I’ll simply explain that you’re my girl, and he needs to quit calling and
dating you. Don’t worry. I won’t hurt Luke. But you can never see him or call
him again, after this. Understood?” “OK. As long as he’s not hurt.” “I promise,
baby. As long as he listens to reason, nothing will happen. Now make that
Jess calls Luke,
who answers on the first ring. “Hey, baby. Your phone went dead earlier. Are we
on for tomorrow night?” “Sure, Luke. Yeah, I gotta get a new plan. This one
keeps dropping my calls. It really sucks. Can you pick me up at my house?” “OK.
I’ll be there at 6pm. I have reservations at a hot new restaurant at 7, then
we’ll go see a movie of your choice at the multiplex.” “Oh, that sounds great,
Luke. I’ll be ready. What restaurant are we going to?” “Oh, no, Jess. That’s my
surprise for you. You’ll find out when we get there.” At this point, James tells Jess “Tell lover boy not to tell
anyone where he’s going. Make up any excuse, but he’s not to tell anyone where
he’s going or who with.” Jess is worried anew, but nods an assent. “Hey, Luke,
since this is a surprise and our night, please don’t tell anyone else about it.
That would make it an even more intimate night.” Luke is silent for a minute,
and then he says, “That’s a strange request, Jess, but OK. It will be our
secret night out on the town. I love you, baby. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.
I’ll be there at 6pm sharp.” “I love you too, Luke. And I’ll be ready at 6pm. I
can’t wait to enjoy our special night. Bye, Luke” “Bye, Jess. Until tomorrow.” And
with that, Jess ends the call.
When he got off
the phone, Luke’s mom, Mrs. Fisher, asked who had called. Remembering his
promise to Jess, Luke told her it was a friend from college, and that he
wouldn’t be home tomorrow evening, that he and some buddies were going out to
celebrate their upcoming graduation. “Where are you going?” she asked. Luke
replied, “I’m not sure. We’re going to probably do dinner and a movie, maybe a
bar. But I’ll be home late, so don’t wait up.” “OK. I’ll just plan on dinner
with your sisters, Clara, Mae, and Vicky. Have fun tomorrow.” “Oh, I will, Mom.
I love you.” “I love you too, son. You remind me of your father when he was
your age. Such a handsome, thoughtful, gentle and kind man.”
The next
evening, James arrived at Jess’ house at 5pm, and parked his 2010 red Mustang
convertible inside her garage. He closed the garage door, so that Luke wouldn’t
see his car there. He went inside, and told Jess he was going to wait outside
behind some bushes. He planned to talk to Luke out there. “OK, but remember,
you promised Luke wouldn’t get hurt ” she told him. “Honey, I give you my word.
If he listens to reason, nothing will happen. Hell, maybe we’ll all three go
out for a beer after.” And with that, he went outside. Unknown to Jess, he had
a chloroform soaked rag with him behind the bushes.
At about 4pm,
Luke was getting ready for his date with Jess. He got out his best suit and
tie, and put on cologne from a bottle Jess had bought for him. She always liked
it when he wore it. At 5, he kissed his mom and sisters goodbye, got into his
2009 Blue Ford Explorer with the window tint package. He’d added that because
it made it easy for him and Jess to have sex in the back without being seen.
Soon, he’d be regretting that tinting. He stopped at the florist, and got Jess
a dozen yellow roses, her favorite. And in his pocket was an engagement ring
he’d bought earlier in the week. He intended to pop the question tonight. Then
it was off to Jess’ house, and a hot date with the love of his life.
Luke pulled up
to Jess’ house right at 6pm on the dot. He got out of his Explorer, and
carrying the roses, walked up the path to her door. Just as he passed some
bushes, James stepped out and without saying a word, grabbed Luke in a chokehold,
and held the chloroform soaked rag so that it covered Luke’s mouth and nose.
Luke tried to fight back, but James held him tightly, and whispered in his ear,
“Don’t fight it, lover boy. Just breathe deeply.” Luke continued to struggle,
but as the chloroform took effect, he slowly gave up the struggle, and his legs
began to buckle. James followed his body to the ground, holding the rag tight
against Luke’s face. Finally, Luke’s body stopped resisting, and he lay
unconscious on the ground. James quickly took out a pair of handcuffs, and
secured Luke’s wrists behind his back.
Once James had
Luke secured, he called Jess outside. She looked and said, “James, you promised
not to hurt him.” “And I haven’t. He’s just been chloroformed. He wouldn’t
listen, so now we’re gonna take him to that little canyon about an hour west of
here. Maybe in the clean air of the canyon, he’ll be more receptive. I’ll put
him in the back of his Explorer, and you follow in my Mustang. That way, I
won’t be stranded when he leaves there, and finally leaves us alone.” “OK.
You’re sure this will work?” “I guarantee it, baby. Once we get out there,
he’ll never bother us again. I just need to check something in my trunk before
we leave. Get in my car, and when I honk, we can leave.” With that, Jess got in
the driver’s seat of James’ Mustang. James carried Luke to the back of the
heavily tinted Explorer and put him inside. He also took a garbage bag, and
gathered up the roses Luke had dropped. These he put in the front part of Luke’s
car. He then went back to the Mustang, opened the trunk, and got out a large
coil of heavy rope, and threw it into the Explorer next to Luke. He also took
the chloroform soaked rag, and tied in on Luke’s face, ensuring he wouldn’t
wake during the drive. He then got in the driver’s seat of Luke’s car, and
honked, indicating to Jess that it was time to go.
About 30 minutes
into the drive, James pulled off the road, and when Jess did too, he told her
to wait, that he had to relieve himself. He went around to the passenger door
of the Explorer, and took out the bag with the flowers. He went deep into the
brush, actually did relieve himself, and threw the bag even deeper into the
brush. He then returned to the car and they continued their trip to the canyon.
They arrived at the canyon, and he told Jess to wait there for him. He opened
the back of the Explorer, tied the rope around Luke’s ankles, and hiked into
the canyon with Luke over his shoulder. About a mile into the canyon, he found
a sturdy Palo Verde tree about 20 feet tall. He untied the rope from Luke’s
ankles, fashioned it into a hangman’s noose, then cut away all of Luke’s
clothing. He then removed the chloroform rag, noosed Luke behind the left ear,
and threw the free end of the rope over a branch about 10 feet up the tree. He
now waited for Luke to regain consciousness. About 10 minutes later, Luke did,
saw that he was naked with his hands restrained, looked at James and said “What
the f…” when all of a sudden James, who had been holding the free end of the
rope, started pulling, which dragged Luke into the air, cutting off his
question. James quickly tied off the rope to another tree, leaving Luke
dangling with his feet 3 or 4 feet off the ground. Luke’s legs were gyrating
wildly, and trying in vain to reach the safety of the ground. After about 5
minutes, his face was turning blue, and his tongue, also blue, started to
protrude. Then his hips started to gyrate, and his dick became erect, and grew
to almost 10 inches! “No wonder Jess had a thing for him.” James thought to
himself. “Look at that tool!” Just then, Luke shot about 5 ropes of hot cum,
with the longest one going about 8 feet! After that, Luke became still, and
James noticed that Luke’s body had voided itself at the moment of death. Also,
his lower arms and legs turned blue from blood pooling there, since his heart
had stopped, and there was nothing to circulate it. James now realized he
couldn’t leave the car there, that he needed to get rid of it too. He hiked
back up to the cars, and told Jess that he and Luke had patched things up, and
that she could go home, Luke would drive him back to his house, and he’d get
his car back from Jess the next day.
Jess left, and
James waited about 5 minutes, and then drove off in Luke’s truck even further
out into the desert. About an hour later, he found another box canyon, took a
cloth, stuck it in the gas tank and lit it. As soon as he’d done this, he put
the truck in gear, and sent it over the canyon wall, and watched as it exploded
into a fireball as it hit the floor of the canyon. He then walked about 5 miles
to the main road, and hitched a ride back into town.
The next
morning, Mrs. Fisher awoke and saw that Luke had not come home. His bed had not
been slept in, and his Explorer wasn’t in the driveway. She called his cell
phone, but got no answer. Then she called his friends, and none of them had
seen Luke. Finally, she called Jess. Jess told her that she hadn’t seen Luke in
a week, and had no idea where he went. Mrs. Fisher then called the Phoenix
police department, but they told her that since Luke was an adult, that they’d
have to wait 24 hours before he could be declared missing, and even if they
found him, if he told them he had left of his own free will, they couldn’t tell
Mrs. Fisher where her son was. Mrs. Fisher and her daughters put up missing
persons fliers all over Phoenix, and waited and prayed that Luke would call
For a week,
there was no sign of Luke or the Explorer. Then, one day, a young couple was
walking down the rim of a canyon, looking for a secluded place to share their
love for each other. The man looked about 10 feet ahead and saw a Palo Verde
tree with large branches. He told his girlfriend it would be ideal. They raced
to the tree, and both shed their clothes. The girl lay down under the tree, and
as her boyfriend got on top of her, she looked into his eyes, and SCREAMED!!
The man asked what was wrong, but all the girl could do was point up. The man
looked up, and saw a naked man’s body hanging from the tree. Neither had
noticed it as they approached, as the canopy hid it from view. The couple
hurriedly got dressed, and the man used his cell phone to call the police. The
police sent two homicide detectives, Robert Smith and Adam Jones, and Detective
Jones immediately noticed a resemblance between the decayed remains of the
victim, and missing person Luke Fisher. The couple was interviewed, but allowed
to leave, as it was obvious that the body had been dead for some time.
The corpse was
taken to the medical examiner’s office for autopsy and identification. The
Fisher family was notified and Luke’s dentist supplied his dental records. The
coroner ruled the cause of death as hanging, and the method homicide. With his
hands cuffed behind his back, and the noose tied off to another tree, there was
no way this could have been suicide or accident. Then the coroner examined the
dental records, which led to a positive identification of the remains as being
those of Luke Fisher. The family was then notified that their son’s missing
person’s case was now a homicide. The detectives asked Mrs. Fisher where her
son had gone, and with whom. She told him that Luke had mentioned dinner, a
movie and maybe drinks with some college buddies to celebrate their upcoming graduation.
The next morning,
the Phoenix paper had the murder on page 1, with a photo of Luke and the
caption, “Local College Student Found Hanged in Isolated Canyon”. Jess saw the paper, and immediately called
James. “James, what happened between you and Luke in that canyon? He’s been
missing since that night you took him out there, and now the paper says they
found his body hanging in that canyon. You promised me nothing would happen.”
James asked, “What about his truck? Did
the paper mention it?” “No, James, it’s still missing. Oh, James, what have you
done?” “Whoa, bitch! What have I done? Shouldn’t you ask, “What have WE done?”
We’re both in this together. Just keep to your story that you haven’t seen him
since a week before he disappeared, and we’ll be fine. Otherwise, we might both
wind up in prison for a very long time.” “But, James, I didn’t hang him. I
didn’t know till this morning what happened.” “Yeah, Jess. You try that line
out on the cops. See how much they believe you. You were at the scene, driving
my car. Just keep quiet. No one knows he was coming to your house.” “OK, James.
You’ve got me trapped. I’ll play along. But I never want to see you again!”
The detectives
scoured the canyon for clues, and they never did find the remains of Luke’s
Explorer. They interviewed Luke’s classmates, but none of them had been in town
on the fateful night. They had all been in their dorms studying for the
upcoming finals. The florist who sold Luke the roses came forward, but when the
detectives further interviewed Jess, she stuck to her story that she hadn’t
seen Luke for almost a week before his death. A few days later, the family
buried Luke, and Jess sat with the family during the service. No one suspected
that she might know what happened.
The leads
dried up after about a month, and the detectives transferred the murder case of
Luke Fisher to the cold case files. Their best idea was that a person or
persons unknown had murdered Luke, probably for his truck, and after the
murder, had fled out of state with the truck. They put out a BOLO for the
truck, but got no sightings.
After about a
month, James asked Jess out on another date. She hadn’t found a new boyfriend,
and after about a week, she gave in and she and James resumed their romance.
They went out several times, and she really enjoyed being with him. Then, about
a month later, Luke’s sisters, Clara, Mae and Vicky, invited Jess to join them
for drinks at the local nightclub, Zach’s. It would have been Luke’s 23rd
birthday. She agreed and they set the date to go to Zach’s the next Thursday at
6pm. Jess looked gorgeous, she even wore a set of diamond earrings and matching
necklace that Luke had given her for her 20th birthday. The ladies
arrived at Zach’s and took a table in the back corner, away from the dance
floor. They had several rounds of drinks. Jess had a fake ID, which allowed her
to drink as well. About an hour into the evening, Clara mentioned how much she
and the others missed Luke, his smile, his warmth and his sense of humor. Jess,
who had been drinking quite freely, nodded and said, “Clara, I’m sho shorry!
James promised me he wouldn’t hurt Luke!” Vicky turned and said, “James, who’s
James?” “He’s my boyfriend, Vicky. I was dating him and Luke at the same time,
and James found out. He had me trick Luke into coming to my house, and then he
kidnapped him. He promised me he wouldn’t do anything, just talk to him, but he
drove Luke out to that canyon, and had me follow. Then he took Luke into the
canyon, and when he came back he was alone. He drove off in Luke’s truck, and
then about a week later that couple found poor Luke hanging from the tree. I
had no idea he’d strip and hang him. I’m sho shorry!!” Mae looked at her
sisters, and saw the shock on their faces, she nodded to them, and then told
Jess, “Mom is cooking a German Chocolate cake, Luke’s favorite. Why not come
over tomorrow night?” Jess said, “I’d love to, but James is taking me to that
hot new Italian restaurant, Giovanni’s, for dinner. We have 7pm reservations.”
Mae said, “ Wow! That’s that place where they valet park your car, isn’t it?”
Jess replied, “Yes, that’s it.” Mae said, “You have a good time tomorrow.” Jess
said, “I’m sure I will, and again I’m so sorry about Luke. You girls are so
understanding. Oh, it’s almost 8pm. I’ve got to get home. James is supposed to
call me tonight at 8:30. Bye!” “No
problem, Jess. Safe home.”
After Jess left,
Clara turned to Mae, and said, “Yes, you were understanding. How could you be
so calm?” Mae said, “Look, girls, we
can’t go to the police. We have no proof that this James character killed Luke.
Jess was drunk, and she’ll say she didn’t know what she was talking about. But
this is perfect!” “How is it perfect?” Clara asked. “Clara, remember my
boyfriend, Rocco? He valet parks cars at that restaurant. He’ll help us get
both James and that bitch Jess. Let’s go home and tell Mom the news. We’ll get
Luke the justice he deserves.”
The sisters
arrived home, and told their mother the news. She immediately took charge of
the planning. She had Mae call Rocco, and he joined them at the house. They
told him what the car looked like, and when it would be at Giovanni’s. He told
them that he’d have no problem handling it. Luke had been his best friend both
in High School and College. Meanwhile, Jess got home. She took a shower and
sobered up. It was almost 9pm when James called. He asked where she’d been, and
she explained that she went out for drinks with Luke’s sisters, and then came
home and showered. He said, “Why did you do that? You didn’t tell them
anything, did you?” Jess had forgotten everything she had told the sisters, and
said, “Don’t worry, James. I know how to keep a secret. Boy, I can’t wait to go
to Giovanni’s for dinner tomorrow, and then go see that hot new movie, “The
Avengers”. “I can’t wait either, baby. I’ll pick you up at your place at 6:30.
Wear that pretty blue dress. It looks so good with your blonde hair.” “OK,
sweetheart. See you then.”
The next
evening, James picked up Jess punctually at 6:30pm. The drive to Giovanni’s was
uneventful. They arrived, and Rocco approached the car. “Welcome to Giovanni’s,
folks.” “Hi, how much is parking?” asked James. “Oh, with dinner, it’s
complimentary, sir. Hey, this Mustang is a classic! Mind if I look under the
hood?” James rolled his eyes; these valet park guys always were asking to check
out his car. “Sure, why not. Jess, go on. Wait near the door and I’ll join you
in a few minutes.” Jess walked towards the restaurant, and found a seat near
the doors. “Men”, she thought,”always fascinated by cars!”. James lifted the
hood and was just starting to point out the engine to Rocco, when Rocco put him
in a sleeper hold, and it was lights out for James. Rocco took out a pair of
handcuffs, and also some rope. He cuffed James hands behind his back, tied his
feet with the rope, then hogtied his feet to his hands. He also gagged James
with a chloroform soaked rag. Then he took the keys James had given him, and
dumped James into the trunk. About 10 minutes later, Jess became concerned that
James had not joined her. She went back to the valet stand, and asked Rocco
where James was. “Well, miss, he showed me that hot engine, and then he walked
towards the restaurant.” “Well, he didn’t get inside.” “That is strange. Tell
you what; let’s walk out to where I parked the car. Maybe he had a problem.”
Jess agreed, and they walked to the very edge of the lot, where James’ car was
parked. “This isn’t like James at all”, said Jess. “I know it’s a long shot,
but let’s check the trunk”, suggested Rocco. He opened the trunk, and there was
James, bound, gagged and still unconscious. Jess started to scream, but Rocco
applying another chloroform soaked rag to her face cut off her scream. Once she
was out cold, he bound her like he had James, and threw her body on top of his.
Then he called Mae, and told her the package was ready for pickup. Mae and her
sisters drove out to the restaurant, and waited for Rocco’s shift to end. Then
they transferred James and Jess to. Mae’s car trunk, and Rocco followed them in
James’ car. After they arrived at the Fisher family’s ranch, Rocco helped them
take James and Jess into the barn. He then called a buddy, who met him, and
agreed to dispose of James’ Mustang, no questions asked.
After Rocco got
rid of the Mustang, he joined the others in the barn. First, he untied Jess,
and stripped her of all of her clothing. Then he sat her in a chair, and bound
her to it. He didn’t gag her. They were out in the country, 5 miles from the
nearest neighbor, and both he and the Fishers wanted to hear her screams. Rocco
left the chloroform soaked rag in place on James, ensuring that the young stud
would cause no trouble. Rocco dragged James under a beam in the barn about 10
feet in front of Jess. He threw a large rope over the beam. He then took off
the handcuffs from James, and retied his hands with the rope. Then he pulled on
the other end, securing it to an unused cattle stall door, which left James in
a standing position, with his feet barely off the ground. Rocco now took out
his knife and cut away all of James’ clothing, which he gave to Mae. She took
his clothes, and Jess’ outside to a bonfire, and threw the clothes in. They
then all pulled up chairs or hay bales, and waited for James to resume
consciousness, so that the show could begin.
A short time
later, James awoke with a groan. He blinked his eyes; saw Jess naked and tied
to a chair in front of him, and the valet from the restaurant and some women
eyeing him expectantly. His arms were on fire from being pulled tight over his
head, and he quickly looked down and saw that he too was naked. He said, “What
the fuck’s going on? You better let Jess and I go if you know what’s good for
you!” Rocco replied, “Oh, look, ladies, the killer’s awake.” “Killer? What the
fuck are you talking about? I haven’t killed anyone!” replied James. Mae
replied, “Ask your girlfriend, she told us all about how you killed our brother
Luke!” “I did not!” screamed Jess. “Yes, you did, Jess. You told us at dinner
last week. Of course, you probably don’t remember, since you were quite drunk
at the time.” “ I don’t know what she told you, but it’s a damn lie!” shouted
James. Then Rocco stood up, stretched his massively built body, and said, “I
was hoping you’d deny it. We both know you did it, and you will tell us soon
enough. But for now, your denial means that I get to have some fun with you.”
Then he smiled, and James turned pale thinking about what his words meant.
While James was pondering the threat behind the words, Rocco picked up a pair
of weighted boxing gloves, and put them on. He then turned back to James, and
without a word, delivered a hard right directly above James navel, that sent
James flying backwards. James and Jess both screamed in unison, and before
their screams had died down, James body was swung forward like a pendulum,
directly at the waiting Rocco. Now Rocco delivered a left to James kidney,
causing renewed cries of pain. This time, when James completed his trip, Rocco
grabbed his body, and stopped his movement. “Now, James. You know, and I know
what you did. Just tell us, and this can all be over!” James took in several
ragged breaths before replying, “No, I’m telling you, you’ve got the wrong
guy!” “Suit yourself, James. These next punches WILL hurt you a lot more than
they hurt me. You made sure that Luke never fathered any children, and he was
twice the man you are. Well, now it’s you that won’t be making any babies!”
With that, he approached James, and delivered a haymaker right into James’
package. James howled in pain, as his face turned a deep red, and Jess begged
Rocco to stop. Rocco just smiled, and delivered another punch to his balls, so
severe that James’ balls withdrew into his belly. Then, before James could
recover, Rocco grabbed James around his torso, and pulled HARD in a downward
direction, instantly dislocating both of James’ arms. The pain was so intense
that James passed out. Jess fainted at the sight of her boyfriend’s beaten and
battered body. Mrs. Fisher brought Rocco and her daughters some glasses of home
made sweet tea, and they sat back, waiting for James and Jess to awaken again.
After about 5
minutes, Jess revived. She was crying hysterically, and asking what would
happen next. But no one answered her; they were waiting for James to revive.
James awoke about 5 minutes later, screaming from the pain of his dislocated
arms. Once he regained his composure, he turned to Rocco and said, “No more!
What do you want to know? I’ll tell you anything!” Rocco replied, “Just tell us
what you did to Luke, and where his Explorer is.” “OK, OK, just please, no more
pain. You’re right. I found out that Jess was dating both Luke and me and I
decided to get rid of my rival. I never did like sharing. So I got Jess to
trick him into coming to her place, and not tell anyone where he was going.
When he got there, I put him in a sleeper, and then chloroformed him to boot. I
had Jess follow me in her car to that little canyon outside of town. I took him
down into the canyon and found that Palo Verde tree. I strung him up naked, and
as he awoke I pulled on the rope, sending the fucker to hell.” When he referred
to Luke that way, Rocco hauled back and hit James hard in the belly, knocking
the wind out of him. “His name was LUKE, asshole! Now continue!” “OK, OK! Fuck,
that hurts. Like I was saying, I hung Luke, and waited till I saw him shoot his
death load, and made sure he was dead. I then sent Jess home, and drove his
truck to another small canyon further out in the desert. I put a cloth in the
gas tank, lit it, and put the truck in gear. It went over the canyon wall, and
landed on the floor. The impact and the lit cloth caused the truck to explode
in a massive fireball. That’s why no one ever found it. I hiked back to town
unseen. And that’s the truth.” Rocco replied, “So you and Jess planned this
together.” Jess screamed, “NO!!! I had no idea he was gonna kill Luke. He told
me that he just wanted to talk to Luke. That’s why I set it up.” James said, “Baby, it’s no good. They know
everything, thanks to you and your drunken rant. Yeah, she knew what I was
gonna do. We planned it together all the way.” “James, why are you lying? You
know I never knew what you were gonna do. Tell them!!” Rocco interrupted, “It
really don’t matter. Even if you didn’t know about it then, you didn’t come
forward once Luke was found, and tell anyone what you know. So in our eyes,
you’re as guilty as he is.” Jess gasped, “What are you gonna do to us? I tell
you, I was scared to say anything, and I really didn’t know until the body was
found.” James shook his head and said, “Save it, Jess. Even if he believed you,
they can’t let either of us go. Face it, babe. We’re never leaving this barn
alive.” “You could have turned your boyfriend in, but you didn’t, bitch! That
sealed your fate.”, said Rocco.
Rocco then took
a hay bale and put it on the barn floor. He took James and stood him atop the
hay bale. He cut the rope holding
James’ arms, and quickly retied his arms behind his back. He took another rope that he had hidden
earlier in the barn, with a noose at one end. He put the noose over James’
head, with the knot behind his left ear. “OK, Asshole! Any last words?” “Yeah,
I’ll see all of you in HELL!!” Rocco smiled, and said. “You first!” He took an
old, dirty pillowcase and used it as a makeshift hood. Then he jumped off the
bale, and pulled the other end of the noose to a wooden pole. He pulled the
rope tight, until James was on tiptoes, then he tied the rope to the pole.
Having completed the preparations, he pulled out the bale from beneath James.
James had no drop at all, but his feet began kicking wildly, trying to find the
barn floor without success. Jess saw James start to hang, and screamed in
despair. James kept kicking for several minutes, with his struggles lessening
over time. Everyone’s eyes were on his cock, which had grown erect, and his
hips were gyrating. Jess couldn’t help but think of the many times that cock
had fucked her, and cried out again in despair that she would never again enjoy
that pleasure. All of a sudden, a groan escaped James, and he shot several
strands of hot cum that landed almost 10 feet away. Once he had done this, his
body went limp. He was left hanging for an hour, during which his lower arms
and legs turned a deep purple, as did his dick. Once they were satisfied that
he was dead, they cut his body down and removed the pillowcase. His face had
turned into a grotesque mask, revealing the torment the hanging had caused. His
eyes were wide and staring, his tongue and face were a hideous shade of blue,
with the tongue protruding from his mouth. Jess couldn’t stop crying and
screaming. She opened her eyes, and fainted back against the chair.
While she was
out cold, Rocco untied her, and retied her hands behind her. Rocco sat her on
the bale of hay, with the noose around her neck. She awoke, felt the hemp
noose, and began crying. Rocco said, “Shut up, bitch! You’re gonna get the same
amount of sympathy and mercy that you gave poor Luke! You bastards let him hang
there for a week!!!” Then he shouted
down to Mrs. Fisher, “ Ma’am, do you have that package for me?” “I’m getting it
now” she replied. She took a butcher knife, grabbed James’ body by his cock and
balls, and sawed with the knife until she had cut them free. One of her
daughters tossed them up to Rocco, who caught them, and showed them to a very
frightened Jess. “What are you gonna do? I don’t want to die. I’m sorry for
Luke, but killing me won’t bring him back.” Rocco replied, “THIS!!” and stuffed
the grisly package into Jess’ open mouth. Before she could react, and spit them
out, he took duct tape from his pocket and wound it several times around her
head, keeping the cock and balls in her mouth. Then he hooded her, jumped down
and pulled on the noose, lifting her slight body off of the bale. She kicked
wildly, her breasts flopping back and forth, but she only lasted a minute or
so, because of James’ cock and balls choking her. Like James, once all movement
ceased, they left her dangling for an hour. Once they had unhooded her, they
saw that she had suffered greatly. In fact, the tip of James’ cock had actually
poked out from behind the duct tape, like a grotesque second tongue.
Rocco then
dragged the bodies out of the barn, and put them in a wagon attached to a
tractor. He drove the tractor and wagon to the slaughtering barn, where the
Fisher’s killed and processed their livestock. There was a large rendering
machine, used to crush animal bones into feed. He took James’ body, and fed it
into the machine. In a matter of minutes, his body was reduced to a fine bone
meal. When he finished with James’ body, he sent Jess’ body through the
machine, along with James’ package. She, too, was reduced to a powdery bone
meal. He bagged up the bone meal, and for the next week, the Fisher’s cattle dined
on James and Jess. Both James and Jess were reported missing, and the police
investigated. They went to the restaurant, since friends mentioned they had
reservations for there the night they disappeared, but the manager told them
they were a no-show, and Rocco stated that he hadn’t valet parked any Mustangs
that night. He said he’d remember, because he loved Mustangs. Eventually, the
police dropped the case, as both James and Jess were adults, and it was presumed
that they had left town, and possibly eloped.
great story but I think you got Luke and James names mixed up in the last Paragraph.
ReplyDeleteOOPS! Good catch!
ReplyDeletedamn so hot I wish I was jess